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File size limitation in a single request

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Manoj Kanade

Sep 26, 2023, 5:44:12 AM9/26/23
to RunMyProcess Developer Forum
Hello teams

Can you tell us the maximum file size we can attach in the single request of the project?
And If we want to increase the file size limitations then can we increase based on the requirement.

Thanks and Regards
Manoj Kanade

RunMyProcess Developer Forum

Sep 27, 2023, 3:37:14 AM9/27/23
to RunMyProcess Developer Forum, Manoj Kanade
Hello Manoj

Here you are find the documentation about the file size limitation

The maximum size of files that an end user can upload to the DigitalSuite platform is 25 MB.
The maximum size of all files that an end user can upload to the DigitalSuite platform is 1 GB.

Best regards,
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