Setting radio list value in array

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Feb 27, 2018, 1:23:08 AM2/27/18
to Fujitsu RunMyProcess Developer Community
Hello Team,

I am using an array widget on web interface.There are different columns from which I am setting values for column1 based on the collection and there is one more column which is radio button list which holds default value as NO.I want to have functionality like for one specific item from column1 radio value in column2 should be YES and for other items it should be NO. I have written javascript in array which listens to the variable of column1 using index of an array and depending on item it sets radio button value to either YES or NO, but it always set default value as NO only.

Please find the script below =>

var current_item=id_auto_array.id_various_informations[P_index].getValue();
if(current_item=="Mailing list")

For the script listen to variable is => auto_array.various_informations[P_index].
And I have another script which sets the values of various_informations in array from the collection.

I am not getting what is the exact issue. Will you please help me to sort out this issue?

Thanks & Regards,

Shraddha Pangantiwar

Feb 27, 2018, 4:05:08 AM2/27/18
to Fujitsu RunMyProcess Developer Community,
Hi Priyanka

Good day.

As per my understanding, you are selecting one specific item in colomn1 from collection.
So try using the function: getSelectedValue();
For ex: var current_item=id_auto_array.id_various_informations[P_index].getSelectedValue();

Please correct me if I misunderstood your requirement.

Do feel free to contact us if you have any further queries.

Best Regards
Shraddha Pangantiwar
Fujitsu RunMyProcess Support

Feb 27, 2018, 4:20:45 AM2/27/18
to Fujitsu RunMyProcess Developer Community,
Hello Shraddha,

Column1 is the text widget in an array widget and it gets set from the collection.I am applying queries on the collection and setting column1 values based on result from collection.As it is the text widget I can only use getValue() not getSelectedValue().Going further,I have added listen to variable of column1 with index for javascript widget in an array which sets YES in radio list for specific item.But it is showing always NO as default value that I have set for radio list.I am not able to understand why it is showing NO there.

Thanks & Regards,

Shraddha Pangantiwar

Feb 27, 2018, 4:50:08 AM2/27/18
to Fujitsu RunMyProcess Developer Community,
Hi Priyanka

Could you please share the screen shots of configuration details so that we can assist you to fix the issue?

Feb 27, 2018, 6:09:01 AM2/27/18
to Fujitsu RunMyProcess Developer Community,
Hello Shraddha,

Please find attachments for the screenshot of configuration details.

(Note- the attachment with name 'script written to set various information value from collection' is the script written outside of the array widget)

Thanks & Regards,

script written to set various information value from collection.png
column1 value setting from collection(text input widget in array).png
Another column-radio list.png
default value for radio list.png
javascript configuration to set value as YES.png
Javascript Configuration-listen to variables.png
Code written to set value to YES in radio list.png

Feb 28, 2018, 5:10:32 AM2/28/18
to Fujitsu RunMyProcess Developer Community,
Hello Team,

Any updates regarding the issue?

Thanks & Regards,

Shraddha Pangantiwar

Feb 28, 2018, 5:18:41 AM2/28/18
to Fujitsu RunMyProcess Developer Community,
Hi Priyanka

We are able to reproduce the case, facing same issue.
Our team is working on this. We will get back to you soon with updates.

Do feel free to contact us if you have any further queries.

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