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Hex values to file conversion

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Ankita Mundhra

Mar 27, 2023, 5:09:50 AM3/27/23
to RunMyProcess Developer Forum

I have a file coming in through API in hexadecimal format.
I want to convert that hex format back to the original file and display it in web interface.
I have managed to retrieve that data in a text file or CSV file in the files tab of project.

But i get entire data in a single cell of the CSV file.
I want the data to be in proper format as it was originally sent.

Can you help me out how to do it?

Thanks and Regards,
Ankita Mundhra

RunMyProcess Developer Forum

Mar 28, 2023, 5:47:06 AM3/28/23
to RunMyProcess Developer Forum, Ankita Mundhra

The CSV file can be extracted based on the specified delimiters like comma (,) semicolon (;) space (' ') or others. It is up to you to spit it through the cells based on the csv file delimiter, I suppose. There are many third-party software, paid or unpaid that would help you with the conversion. For example, I used: to set the delimiter to semicolon, for example.

But, during the previous discussion with your colleague on the same topic in a support ticket (hexadecimal file conversion and attachment), the issue was about attaching the file to the RMP widget. I will follow up on that here:  

Once you have the file converted and set it to the correct format, attach it to your web interface.
I have mentioned the attach_file function that you need to use it in the process where the file is created. For this you will use the file id (file variable): long 32-digit alphanumeric string and the id of the attach widget in the interface:
${attach_file(<file_id>, < "the id of the file widget">)}

example of file_id format: 3cb0d***-xxyy-11xx-00yy-******788082
widget id exmple "id_file_upload

I have tested this and it works with dynamic file variables in RMP - while the file id that is created in the process. But, you will have to attach it in a manual step of a RMP process and the attach_file function will be defined in the input variables of a step.
Make sure you attach the correct web interface screen to this process.  I hope the above will helps you design and configure the whole process. 
If you have any further questions, please contact us. Thank you.

Kind Regards,
Zdravko Lazarevski
RMP Support 
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