The CSV file can be extracted based on the specified delimiters like comma (,) semicolon (;) space (' ') or others. It is up to you to spit it through the cells based on the csv file delimiter, I suppose. There are many third-party software, paid or unpaid that would help you with the conversion. For example, I used:
https://tableconvert.com/csv-to-csv to set the delimiter to semicolon, for example.
But, during the previous discussion with your colleague on the same topic in a support ticket (hexadecimal file conversion and attachment), the issue was about attaching the file to the RMP widget. I will follow up on that here:
Once you have the file converted and set it to the correct format, attach it to your web interface.
I have mentioned the
attach_file function that you need to use it in the process where the file is created. For this you will use the file id (file variable): long 32-digit alphanumeric string and the id of the attach widget in the interface:
${attach_file(<file_id>, < "the id of the file widget">)}If you have any further questions, please contact us. Thank you.