Result transformation

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Jul 11, 2014, 3:23:54 AM7/11/14
Why do my output variables fail the process?

I have a create sub-folder activity which works fine in creating the sub-folder on my Google drive, but the output variable (folder_id) causes the process to fail.

I also have a create empty spreadsheet activity which works fine but if I try to get the output variable(spreadsheet_id)it causes the process to fail?

I need the {folder_id} (output from first activity) to provide a location for the second activity. Then I need the {Spreadsheet_id} so I can add rows in the next activity.

Output parameters: (from the connector descriptions)

folder id : ${P_result.entry.folder_id}
spreadsheet_id: the id of the newly created spreadsheet.

Please can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Bidisha Das

Jul 11, 2014, 4:43:08 AM7/11/14
Your output variable for "Create a subfolder" activity would be folder id = ${"%3A")+3)} and in the input variable , resourceId = ${id?substring(id?index_of("%3A")+3)}
Make sure you use two other connectors "Create a folder" and "Get the id of a folder " before "Create a subfolder" which I think you are already using.

Your output variable for "Create an empty spreadsheet " activity would be spreadsheet id =  ${"%3A")+3)} 

Check in the computed parameters and you would find the value of both folder id and  spreadsheet id

Thanks & Regards

Bidisha Das

Jul 11, 2014, 11:32:42 AM7/11/14
Hi Matthew,
I was asking you to dynamically generate the resourceId by using "Get the id of folder" connector so that you can use it in "Create a subfolder" activity.But since you are hard coding it,so no need to worry about that.

Directly write in the output variable of "Create a subfolder", folder id = ${"%3A")+3)} 

and in the output variable of "Create an empty spreadsheet" activity spreadsheet id = ${"%3A")+3)} 

Check in the Computed parameters.You will surely get the values of folder id and spreadsheet id.

Thanks & Regards

I don't understand what you mean with the input variable because I have a concrete ID for the parent folder 

now resourceid = 0B0MAU1UAIDyNSFE........

From: Matthew Daniels <>
Date: Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: Result transformation
To: Bidisha Das <>


Jul 11, 2014, 4:19:58 PM7/11/14

If the error message says, variable doesn't exist, then you should check the following:

1. Check that the connector returns that variable. You should test your connector alone (not from process), by going into connector design screen and clicking on Launch Test link at top right.
If you see the data you want inside a parent node like "feed", then you can do something like "".

2. Check the connector definition again, there is a field called "Result transformation". If you have some script here, your connector might be failing here, make sure it works or get rid of it and do transformation in process.

3. In process definition, Connector activity setting, makes sure "inject results" is NOT checked. If this is checked, P_result variable will not generate at all.

4. Related to #1, if you found that the "id" you need is a child node of some other node like "feed", then your code to get this must be
${} or something similar.

5. BTW, when the error is at the output calculation of the connector activity, in the process report, Internal parameters tab, you should be able to see the P_result variable.
You can check this to see what are available data for you to use from process.

I hope this helps!

Best regards,

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