Subprocess Measures Not Showing In Web Report

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Terrence Glover

Oct 8, 2014, 1:44:34 AM10/8/14

I'm having an issue viewing measures in a web report from a nested subprocess (nested because I want to retain the data captured in the history widget throughout the whole process of the request).

Parent Process:
Inline image 1

I am able to see the measures in the web report before hitting the subprocess.

Approval - Subprocess:
Inline image 2

My goal is to have a report that I can use to filter on each task pending for the approver ex. ${assigned_email} as well as create a report for the admin to see whats pending tasks ex. ${assigned_to} and some other general data from the request.

These variables are duplicated for each lane, I also added the variable to the measure of the parent process and subprocess with no luck. It's also important to point out this worked before I added the subprocess. The advantage of having the subprocess makes things much cleaner so I'd like to find a solution.

Please help.



Oct 8, 2014, 2:30:03 AM10/8/14
Hi Terrence,

First of all, please make sure that your main process and sub process has exactly the same measures defined, order is especially important.

Then, assuming you are talking about Web Interface reports, can you try, using P_branch variable in Custom Measure setting?
This should work fine for AND branches, the Custom Measure should refer to its local variable value.

What is happening in AND split branch is, each branch will have a local variable space, and there will be global variable space.
By default, every update to either of the local variable spaces (=each AND branches) will also update the global variable space (=last update overwrite if same variable name).
And, Custom Measure is only reading from global variable space if you just specify its process variable name.

For your case, you can write ${P_branch.assigned_email} in the Custom Measure configuration.
Each branch has manual task, and each of these are separate Web Interface instances, and will show up as 2 (or more, depending on # of branches, 1 for each branch's manual task) separate records in Web Interface report.
And these instances will show their respective assigned_email from their local variable.

What I am not sure is, how it will show from the Web Interface report where there is no branch (like in main process) - I have not tested this myself so far.
If, when there is no branch, P_branch prefix is just ignored and displays simple "assigned_email" value, then this sound perfect for this case.

Best regards,


Terrence Glover

Oct 8, 2014, 11:35:22 AM10/8/14
to thoshino,
This worked!


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