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Gabriel Melgar

Sep 12, 2021, 9:46:36 PM9/12/21
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com
Hello, nice to say hello. I have a requirement in my work, I can not resolve: obtain the date when a file was submitted and by whom it was submitted. I beg for help

Zdravko Lazarevski

Sep 14, 2021, 4:14:51 AM9/14/21
to RunMyProcess Developer Community, Gabriel Melgar
Hello Gabriel,

You can track the document from the (process) reports and once you open the particular instance from the process you can find the information you need..

Once you open the Parameters tab of the instance, you'll find the Internal Parameters
and P_initiator where the user's name is stated

Also, in the next section, P_result gives you the date (created) variable


I hope this has helped, if you need further explanations, please let me know. 

Kind Regards,

Zdravko Lazarevski
Akorbi Digital RMP
Customer Support

Gabriel Melgar

Oct 16, 2021, 11:12:15 PM10/16/21
to RunMyProcess Developer Community, Zdravko Lazarevski, Gabriel Melgar
I want to make a report of the historical variables (like the Comment in the attached image) and expose them using a CAPI. I really appreciate the help you can give me.
Captura de pantalla (70).png
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