Updating an array element using updatecallback throw bad request error

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Aug 19, 2014, 10:54:55 AM8/19/14
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com

I want to update an element inside an array using the updatecallback method. I want to do it this way as I don't want to do a wholesale update on the document. I am using the updatecallback javascript API and I am getting the bad request error while the same query works in my mongodb shell.

I am using this MongoDB format:

db.collection.update( { <query selector> }, { <update operator>: { "array.$.field" : value } } )

Here is my query:

Http Query:

Javascript code:
col_society_evaluation.updateCallback({"memberno":selectedevalmemno, "nomination_class":nomclass, "societyid":societyid, "profiletype":"evaluator", "nominationsassigned.nominations.packageid":nompackageid}, { $set: { "nominationsassigned.nominations.$.assignmentstatus" : "unassigned" } }, updateEvaluatorsSuccess, updateEvaluatorsFailure);

P_query value from the console:
P_query {"memberno":"00744920","nomination_class":"2015","societyid":"MEMRA024","profiletype":"evaluator","nominationsassigned.nominations.packageid":"1394134282704"}

Post data:

Since the same query works in my mongodb shell, I am confused.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help!


Dimitri MELCHIOR Pro

Aug 19, 2014, 11:21:40 AM8/19/14
to RunMyProcess Support Forum
Hi Siva,

ou are not alloed to set the JSON directly into the method..

Could you try with that code?

var P_query = {};
P_query.memberno = "00744920";
P_query.nomination_class = "2015";
P_query.societyid = "MEMRA024";
P_query.profiletype = "evaluator";
P_query.nominationsassigned = {};
P_query.nominationsassigned.packageid = "1394134282704";

var P_object = {};
P_object.$set = {};
P_object.$set.nominationsassigned = {}
P_object.$set.nominationsassigned.nominations = {};
P_object.$set.nominationsassigned.nominations.$ = {};
P_object.$set.nominationsassigned.nominations.$.assignmentstatus = "unassigned";

col_society_evaluation.updateCallback(P_query, P_object, updateEvaluatorsSuccess, updateEvaluatorsFailure);

Best regards.



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Aug 19, 2014, 1:44:41 PM8/19/14
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com
Hi Dimitri,

Thanks for your quick response.

It does not throw and error but it does not update the document either. Here is my root document. I want to update the "notificationstatus" of an array element with unassigned without doing the wholesale update.

Can you help me to get the query for the listcallback?

Also, I noticed that, a double dot notation is throwing an error.

"citation": "for contributions to integrated high-speed and radio-frequency silicon devices and components.",
"memberno": "44444444",
"nomination_class": "2015",
"invitestatus": "Accepted",
"nominationsassigned": {
"nominations": [{
"packageid": "1393470473367",
"assignmentstatus": "assigned",
"notificationstatus": "notified",
"evaluation_instanceid": "0e6e4b54-2578-11e4-aec8-123139225512",
"conflict": {
"status": "yes",
"reason": "some reason sdjgdokfjg"
"packageid": "1393470872845",
"assignmentstatus": "assigned",
"notificationstatus": "notified",
"evaluation_instanceid": "4b0835d0-2578-11e4-aa5d-1231380c7265",
"conflict": {
"reason": "ftutfy",
"status": "yes"
"packageid": "1393469683231",
"assignmentstatus": "assigned",
"evaluation_instanceid": "fbc83c30-26fe-11e4-aa5d-1231380c7265",
"notificationstatus": "notified",
"conflict": {
"status": "yes",
"reason": "some reason"
"packageid": "1394134282704",
"assignmentstatus": "assigned",
"evaluation_instanceid": "7a0314a0-271b-11e4-b72c-12313b0614f1",
"notificationstatus": "notified"
"lastname": "Burghartz",
"firstname": "Joachim",
"profiletype": "evaluator",
"insertdate": "2014-08-16 12:34:40",
"email": "x...@ieee-dev.org",
"invitetaskurl": "https://live.runmyprocess.com/live/2215365968/form/38623df4-2563-11e4-aa5d-1231380c7265/2/0",
"notifiedtime": "1408395975155",
"technicalareas": {
"techareavalue": ["Computer and robot vision",
"Manufacturing automation",
"Motion and path planning",
"Sensor design,integration, and fusion"]
"secondary_email": "",
"societyname": "IEEE Robotics & Automation Society",
"societyid": "MEMRA024"

Thank you!



Aug 19, 2014, 4:06:03 PM8/19/14
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, sivak...@gmail.com
Hi Dimitri,

To make this simple, I did some changes to my schema to remove one layer of object. Now here is the new document structure. Now I need to update the assignmentstatus inside the nominations array.

I am still getting the bad request.

"citation": "for contributions to decoding and detection that include reliability information",
"email": "peteradam....@ieee-dev.org",
"firstname": "PeterAdam",
"insertdate": "2014-08-19 15:26:44",
"invitestatus": "Accepted",
"invitetaskurl": "https://live.runmyprocess.com/live/2215365968/form/e4d338d0-27d6-11e4-aec8-123139225512/2/0",
"lastname": "Hoeher",
"memberno": "00799619",
"nomination_class": "2015",
"profiletype": "evaluator",
"secondary_email": "",
"societyid": "MEMC016",
"societyname": "IEEE Computer Society ",
"technicalareas": {
"techareavalue": ["Computer education",
"nominations": [{
"packageid": "1401891319015",
"assignmentstatus": "assigned",
"notificationstatus": "new"

Thanks for your help!


Dimitri MELCHIOR Pro

Aug 20, 2014, 5:50:16 AM8/20/14
to RunMyProcess Support Forum, Sivakumar Venkatachalam
Hi Siva,

We are working internally to propose you solutions. Neverthelesss, I just realized that I made a mistake in the previous query sent to you. Could you retry with that one?

var P_query = {};
P_query.memberno = "00744920";
P_query.nomination_class = "2015";
P_query.societyid = "MEMRA024";
P_query.profiletype = "evaluator";
P_query.nominationsassigned = {};
P_query.nominationsassigned.nominations.packageid = "1394134282704";

var P_object = {};
P_object.$set = {};
P_object.$set.nominationsassigned = {}
P_object.$set.nominationsassigned.nominations = {};
P_object.$set.nominationsassigned.nominations.$ = {};
P_object.$set.nominationsassigned.nominations.$.assignmentstatus = "unassigned";

col_society_evaluation.updateCallback(P_queryP_object, updateEvaluatorsSuccess, updateEvaluatorsFailure);

Anyway, we will get back to you.

Best regards.



PreSales Consultant


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Aug 20, 2014, 10:56:22 AM8/20/14
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, sivak...@gmail.com
Hi Dimitri,

I am getting a javascript error with the P_query you sent. Here is the error:

P_query.nominationsassigned.nominations is undefined

That is bcos we dont define the nominations in the code below:

P_query.nominationsassigned = {};
P_query.nominationsassigned.nominations.packageid = "1394134282704";

But anyway, to make it simple, I have updated the schema. I have removed the intermediate nominationsassigned object and made the nominations an array into the root object. Here is the sample root document:

"citation": "for contributions to decoding and detection that include reliability information",
"email": "peteradam....@ieee-dev.org",

"firstname": "PeterAdam",
"insertdate": "2014-08-19 15:26:44",
"invitestatus": "Accepted",
"invitetaskurl": "https://live.runmyprocess.com/live/2215365968/form/e4d338d0-27d6-11e4-aec8-123139225512/2/0",
"lastname": "Hoeher",
"memberno": "00799619",
"nomination_class": "2015",
"profiletype": "evaluator",
"secondary_email": "",
"societyid": "MEMC016",
"societyname": "IEEE Computer Society ",
"technicalareas": {
"techareavalue": ["Computer education",
"nominations": [{
"packageid": "1401891319015",
"assignmentstatus": "assigned",
"notificationstatus": "new"

Thank you!


Dimitri MELCHIOR Pro

Aug 21, 2014, 11:07:22 AM8/21/14
to RunMyProcess Support Forum, Sivakumar Venkatachalam
Hi Siva,

What do you mean when saying "Also, I noticed that, a double dot notation is throwing an error."

Best regards.



PreSales Consultant


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Aug 21, 2014, 2:33:48 PM8/21/14
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, sivak...@gmail.com
Hi Dimitri,

That is not valid anymore since I have removed the intermediate object. So one dot notation is enough now. I just tested it now, I am seeing this error as part of the response.

{"error":"com.mongodb.WriteConcernException: { \"serverUsed\" : \"live-bo-14:27017\" , \"err\" : \"not okForStorage\" , \"code\" : 12527 , \"n\" : 0 , \"lastOp\" : { \"$ts\" : 1408645311 , \"$inc\" : 3} , \"connectionId\" : 137935 , \"ok\" : 1.0}"}



Aug 25, 2014, 1:22:02 PM8/25/14
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, sivak...@gmail.com
Hi Dimitri,

Do we have any update on this?

Thank you!


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