Web interfaceReport (search result deboubled)

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Mar 17, 2015, 2:51:31 PM3/17/15
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com
All my result are doubles in my web interface report. It seems like the creation date is the problem, there is two creation dates with a 1 second difference.
wi report.jpg

Pray Desai

Mar 17, 2015, 6:47:41 PM3/17/15
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, genevieve...@sherbrooke.ca
Hello Genevieve,

Can you check if you have a parallel start gate (Split and And) after Start event ? This might create two web interface instances. 

You can refer to our documentation here :

split_andFor a parallel start task, set the choices to Split and And:

join_andFor a parallel end task, set the choices to Join and And:

split_xorFor a choice start task, set the choices to Split and Exclusive or, in which case you must set the conditions for each choice in the Conditions tab:

join_xorFor a choice end task, set the choices to Join and Exclusive or

You may need to redesign your workflow to check where you can avoid parallel start gate by replaciing with choice start gate (Split and Ex-OR) or you may not need any gate at all.

You need "Split And" gate only when you want your workflow to split in parallel and wait for all parallel branches to finsh. 
Inline image 1

The example above will execute two activities in parallel and both the activities need to be completed to proceed further from the "Join And" gate.

You need "Split Or" gate when you want your workflow to split and execute only one of the splitted paths and not to wait for all paths to finsh. 

Inline image 2

The above example checks whether task was approved or not (from choice variable on button) and then split into approval and rejection path.

Below is the gateway and conditions for split OR :
Inline image 4Inline image 3 

Pray Desai,
Fujitsu RunMyProcess.

On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 11:51 AM, <genevieve...@sherbrooke.ca> wrote:
All my result are doubles in my web interface report.  It seems like the creation date is the problem, there is two creation dates with a 1 second difference.

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