I have a problem to embed an external page

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Juan Carlos Escobar

Mar 6, 2023, 1:17:24 PM3/6/23
to RunMyProcess Developer Forum
I want to send a page in my interface specifically is this page 

and I get a "connection refused error"
Captura de pantalla 2023-03-06 111412.png
my code is it:
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title> Mi Página De Rastreo </title>
<iframe src="https://www.msc.com/es/track-a-shipment"></iframe>

RunMyProcess Developer Forum

Mar 7, 2023, 11:21:30 AM3/7/23
to RunMyProcess Developer Forum, Juan Carlos Escobar


The problem is with the browser you are using, which blocks iframes:
You can either set your browser's options to allow iframes or, if you are using Chrome, add an extension. I use the Chrome extension iFrame Allow:


I think it also helps to set the iframe tag to a specific size and title of the embedded window:
   <iframe src="https://www.msc.com/es/track-a-shipment" height="500" width="800" title="Juan's website"></iframe>

Best Regards,

RMP Support

Carlos Escobar

Mar 7, 2023, 12:47:39 PM3/7/23
to RunMyProcess Developer Forum

Thank you very much, it worked.


Finally I have a second problem, I want to do the same but with another web page, do you think there is a possible solution?

this is the website:







De: RunMyProcess Developer Forum <suppor...@runmyprocess.com>
Enviado el: martes, 7 de marzo de 2023 09:21 a. m.
Para: RunMyProcess Developer Forum <suppor...@runmyprocess.com>
CC: Juan Carlos Escobar <jesc...@lanogalera.biz>
Asunto: Re: I have a problem to embed an external page




The problem is with the browser you are using, which blocks iframes:

You can either set your browser's options to allow iframes or, if you are using Chrome, add an extension. I use the Chrome extension iFrame Allow:



I think it also helps to set the iframe tag to a specific size and title of the embedded window:


   <iframe src="https://www.msc.com/es/track-a-shipment" height="500" width="800" title="Juan's website"></iframe>



Best Regards,



RMP Support




On Monday, March 6, 2023 at 7:17:24 PM UTC+1 Juan Carlos Escobar wrote:

I want to send a page in my interface specifically is this page 



and I get a "connection refused error"

RunMyProcess Developer Forum

Mar 13, 2023, 9:46:22 AM3/13/23
to RunMyProcess Developer Forum, Carlos Escobar

Unfortunately, in this case it would not work, because on the web administrator end there are Content Security Policies (CSP) being implemented. 
I have tried to modify the html widget with meta element definition for the content, but it does not work even by enforcing default-src to self...

Best regards,
RMP Support

Carlos Escobar

Mar 13, 2023, 9:53:23 AM3/13/23
to RunMyProcess Developer Forum
Ok, thank you. 

Juan Carlos Escobar Enriquez

Tec. Sistemas Computacionales

Sistemas  |  Grupo La Nogalera

"Good Roots, Amazing Nuts!"

+52 (656) 843 3052
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Thank you

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