Review a launch screen

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Jul 10, 2014, 1:07:49 PM7/10/14

Is it possible to enable a user to review an already launched "launch screen"? It would be very useful to enable users to remind the information they put on the form.


Bidisha Das

Jul 11, 2014, 3:00:08 AM7/11/14
Hi Nilto,
As you have mentioned that you want to enable an user to review an already launched screen.So my understanding is that you want to see the already submitted records.
In order to do this,follow the steps below:
  • Go to your Project->New->report->select Web Interface report->choose the current mode of your project(test/live/acceptance)->Choose the Web Interface->Search Results->Click on the name of your WI and you can view all the records previously submitted by the user.
  • Make sure that the WI you select calls a process otherwise you won't get any instance of your WI and you can't view the submitted data as well.
Is it this what you want? Please feel free to ask.

Thanks & Regards

Nilton at Safetec

Jul 11, 2014, 7:27:20 AM7/11/14
to Bidisha Das,
Hi Bidisha,

I understand your point and by doing what you said we're in the midway of where i want to go.

In your suggestion you allow users to see the records according to the process state. What i want is to enable users to see an already launched screen independent of the process state.

Scenario: If you're a Person A and you've submitted a form, then, i want you to be able to see the exactly page you submited instead of the "current screen".

Did i make my goals clear?



Nilton Heck
-  Analista de Negócios | +55 (81) 3126.4111 | +55 (81) 9661.0834

Safetec Informática - Cloud for Business 

Av. Marquês de Olinda, 296, Andar 01, Recife, 50.030-000,  Recife – PE

Bidisha Das

Jul 11, 2014, 9:26:12 AM7/11/14
Hi Nilton,
Correct me if I am wrong  Your goal is to view the screen with the records which have been submitted by you. For this you have to select the Web Interface and  select the screen of  web interface for which you want to see the records. It will show records screen wise with its last submitted records at the top and it would have the following columns in it.
 1.WI name
 2.Creation Date and

Below I have attached a screenshot.Hope it helps.

Thanks & Regards

Nilton at Safetec

Jul 11, 2014, 10:21:30 AM7/11/14
to Bidisha Das,
Hi Bidisha,

Actually, it isn't working.

I think you understand my problem correctly. I really need to enable user t see previous submitted formularies (in this case, the "launch screen").
Just for you to see, i attached some images. I've 32 processes instances launched. But, when i create a WI Report i see only 4 entries.

I should see at least 32 WIs, shouldn't i? (since all of them passed through the launch screen at teh beginning)

Screen Shot 2014-07-11 at 11.17.00.png
Screen Shot 2014-07-11 at 11.17.11.png
Screen Shot 2014-07-11 at 11.17.28.png

Sweta Suman

Jul 11, 2014, 11:57:34 AM7/11/14
Hi Nilton,

             Could you please check with mode of web interface and mode of process report. Since results differs depend up on mode (e.g if the process report is of test mode and webinterface report is of live then count will get differs in that case)  


Nilton at Safetec

Jul 11, 2014, 12:33:05 PM7/11/14
to Sweta Suman,, Bidisha Das
Hi Sweta,

Both are live.

Message has been deleted


Jul 11, 2014, 4:08:05 PM7/11/14
Hi Nilton,

Let me help out here.

First of all, what you want to do is not supported out of the box.

Web interface reports will list web interface instances.
The WI instances are overwritten as process moves forward and new screens are launched.
BUT, there are some exception cases that WI instances will stay (so you can see old task screen).

1. At end of process - this is easily imaginable that, at end of process, WI instance will stop updating. This is true for Subprocesses too, you might be able to use this exception at your convenience.

2. At end of AND split branch - this is not so obvious and difficult to control, but WI instances always have "1" URL to access each. If AND split had 2+ manual tasks, there will be 2+ WI instances, and after AND join it goes back to 1 WI instances so there will be some WI instances that stop updating.

This is as far as I know, there might be other cases.

I think Subprocess method is easier to use.
You can consider making your current main workflow as a Subprocess of a "entry" process.
Entry process will have 1 activity, type Subprocess, and will launch the main workflow.
The WI should be set to launch the "entry" process, then it will generate a WI instance separate from approval tasks from the main workflow, and that one will never change.

Consider well and be careful about custom measures in above case, it might not work well since 1 WI will be attached to 1 process and 1 sub process.

Another way that is more straight forward is, to design your WI and process so that you don't edit ANY of the fields in launched form.
You can use Section widget, Tab widget, or other means to visually separate the submitted information, and in following screens NEVER let this part change. Only allow change in other areas of the page.

Best regards,


Nilton at Safetec

Jul 14, 2014, 7:48:46 AM7/14/14
to thoshino,, Sweta Suman, Bidisha Das
Hi Taka,

How are you?

Thanks for replying . It's good to know that you're also involved on support forum.

So, all of the scenarios you painted are comprehensible and applicable in our context to produce something "similar" with what we desired.

But, even with the possibilities of using AND branches and subprocess we're going to make some adjustments in our WI in a way that every screen will have all necessary fields - in this application it isn't complicated, but it could be a problem ahead.

Definitely, the best solution would be to have an non-editable formulary with a unique url. Providing an url to access the submitted form makes users fell better and more confident about the application. That's a feeling that we already felt.

Also, it isn't "correctly" to enable a user of a department to see all the data of the form. It's a principle of context - it don't want to show to certain users some confident -or unnecessary- information. Correct me if i'm wrong, i could use JS to hide/show some fields according to an user role, but i'll need to make (mandatorily) the field available for all screens - which will turn the WI subject to a JS injection over console, right?


Jul 15, 2014, 1:31:39 AM7/15/14
Hi Nilton,

I am doing good.

You are right that it would be best if platform had that feature, with exact same URL serving as history confirmation.
If you are only looking for that out of the box feature, then answer is clear no at this moment.

And exactly true that you should not rely on JS for data security, browser development features can break that.

Still it would be interesting to pursue the approach with subprocess.
For the launch screen, if you use the subprocess approach, it should almost be seamless.
And, encapsulate all manual tasks in the process with subprocess with 1 manual task.

Trying to use subprocess for reusability at the same time will be complicated, not recommended.

Best regards,

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