Report info

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May 6, 2015, 2:38:26 AM5/6/15

I'm trying to take advantage of the reports, but I have some doubts:
1.- Which are the meanings of the fields (columns):
- Events
- Delay (where this field come from, and what kind of measurement does it (seconds, ratio, etc.)?
- Keyword

2.- I've seen that RMP allows to filter and group by the status of the process, but Is there any way to group by the activity in a process? For example If I would like to know how many process are waiting in the first activity or second or whichever. I know I am able to add a measure to the process that can be linked to a variable that can be updated on every activity, but this is too toilsome, right? IS there an easier way to do that?

3.- And one more thing. When I add a report widget to one of my WI, the view often shows me an uncomfortable horizontal scrollbar. Why?



May 6, 2015, 3:13:15 AM5/6/15
Hi again,

I have found some more problems I would ask for:
4.- The Aggregation function Count(Number) doesn't work in the report widget in a WI. If I make this kind of aggregation on the process report section of RMP, I can see the results perfectly, but If i try to make this in the report widget of a WI, a popup window show the message: "Bad Request (400) - The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax
Bad Request". Even if I make the report on the process report section, I save it, and then I link it with the report widget, the error happens. Is there any problem with the widget?

Pankaj Kumar

May 6, 2015, 8:20:33 AM5/6/15

Please find my response as follows:-

1.- Which are the meanings of the fields (columns):
   - Events
   - Delay (where this field come from, and what kind of measurement does it (seconds, ratio, etc.)?
   - Keyword
Response:- send query to the team, will update you on this soon

2.- I've seen that RMP allows to filter and group by the status of the process, but Is there any way to group by the activity in a process? For example If I would like to know how many process are waiting in the first activity or second or whichever. I know I am able to add a measure to the process that can be linked to a variable that can be updated on every activity, but this is too toilsome, right? IS there an easier way to do that?
Response:- By default, you can only filter the record based on the process state i.e.Pending, completed. using a custom measure for this is the only way to filter the record on activity.

3.- And one more thing. When I add a report widget to one of my WI, the view often shows me an uncomfortable horizontal scrollbar. Why?
Response:- Have you explictly define the width of the columns in the report widget in WI. By default, report width gets the width of the web page and column width will be adjusted accordingly.

4.-  The Aggregation function Count(Number) doesn't work in the report widget in a WI. If I make this kind of aggregation on the process report section of RMP, I can see the results perfectly, but If i try to make this in the report widget of a WI, a popup window show the message: "Bad Request (400) - The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax
Bad Request". Even if I make the report on the process report section, I save it, and then I link it with the report widget, the error happens. Is there any problem with the widget?
Response:- No, Aggregation functions works fine in WI Report. Kindly share the screen print so that we can check the issue you are facing.

Thanks & Regards,
Pankaj Kumar

Fujitsu - RunMyProcess
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Javier Martín

May 7, 2015, 4:54:21 AM5/7/15
Hi again,

Well, regarding to the 4th point, at the first time the report shows the result correctly, but when I go to the Edit option, I seen the configuration isn't good. Some options I used in the RMP creation of the report are gone, and if I refill them, then the error I wrote in the last post is shown.
I attach some images, with the sequence of steps that I take to get this weird beahvior. Please see them. In these images I mark too, the scrollbar mentioned in the 3rd point.
I am getting this error, so, I think the Report Widget doesn't work fine.

And sorry, about my english, but about the response to the 1st point, Do you mean my question has been trasferred and I have to wait for the answer, or on the contrary,Are you telling me I have to use the new supprot platform?

Thanks and,

step 1.png
step 2.png
step 3.png
step 4.png
step 5.png
step 5_2.png
step 6.png
step 7.png


May 8, 2015, 6:43:55 AM5/8/15
Hi anew,

Well, I still have the problem, and I really need to know if I can solve it, or only I need to take it into account for the following project. But there is another issueI have noticed about this topic. When I get the Bad Request error on my WI, then if I try to see the report on the procees report panel in RMP, I get an 'error loading source' message, that doesn't allow me to see my original process report never again, forcing me to re-configure the report.

Please, I need some info about that.

Thanks in advance and Regards.


May 8, 2015, 8:45:55 AM5/8/15
Hi Javier,

Please check for additional info of error message to find the root cause, in browser developer console --> network tab, see attached.
The bad request should be marked with Red when it errors.

Also, it is not recommended to allow end user to edit the Report conditions, because any changes saved in run time will be saved directly to respective report in backend.Please make the report widget as inactive, see attached.

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Developer debug tools.png
Save Request Error.png
Report -Make Inactive.png


May 11, 2015, 2:50:32 AM5/11/15

Well, after watch the console, I see the error is in the moment of query the direction of the report with the parameters od aggragation, measures and the rest. I attach images.
There is no way to allow an end user to edit the report?

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Bad request.png


May 11, 2015, 10:25:34 PM5/11/15
Hi Javier,

We are able to reproduce the 400 error, that you are facing and while saving aggregate function as Count by "Number" and core team will be fixing it next release.

Note that the issue is only for the selection as "Number", where as it is saving correctly for other selections(Delay,Duration).

Report Edit is available by default and restricting for end user has to be as per your application needs.

Let us know if you need any additional inputs on the this post.



May 12, 2015, 2:42:35 AM5/12/15
Hi Murali,

Actually, the thing I was complainimg for, was the report widget, because it seems to change the report info. In fact, testing with another selection as Average(Duration), for example, I get the good result at the first time too, but if I try to edit the report in the WI, and I visit the filters section, the filters I had added before are gone (like it's shown on the image step5_2 that I attached three post ago).
I attach my configuration of the report process in RMP, the first view of my report widget, and the view when I click on Edit>Filters.
That's why I think the failure is in the report widget. Till now the process reports, hadn't given me any kind of problem.
Am I wrong?


May 12, 2015, 3:03:07 AM5/12/15
And Sorry for the double-posting, but I would like to know how to fix the horizontal scrollbar I showed in the images I attached some posts ago (I remind it is show with no changes in the report widget, i.e. with default values in configuration), and I would know the meaning of the fields I ask for in my first post.

Thanks in advance and sorry again.

Pankaj Kumar

May 13, 2015, 8:02:07 AM5/13/15
Hi Javier,

Is it possible for you to have a screen sharing session tomorrow, We tried to replicate the horizontal bar issue but not able to do so.

Thanks & Regards,
Pankaj Kumar
Fujitsu RunMyProcess Support

Fujitsu - RunMyProcess
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