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Good usage examples of the advanced query parameter?

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David Hays

May 16, 2024, 1:24:30 AM5/16/24
to ROR Technical Forum
We have been working on an application that does type-ahead using the query parameter in the ROR API (v2).  The behavior is not quite what we'd expected or desired as the query search only matches the query value against complete words.  (For example, the value "Berkel" will not return any organization records.  It isn't until the value reaches "Berkeley" that the query matches words within the organization name values.  The behavior is  keyword matching rather than partial string matching.

Our options appear to be 1) Retrieve the ROR data dump and write our own search API with its own query behavior or 2) try using advanced query where we could get the behavior we want using wildcards within the query.

We were just curious if anyone is aware good examples of implementations using the advanced query.

Amanda French

May 17, 2024, 12:40:49 PM5/17/24
to ROR Technical Forum,
Ah, that's an interesting question, David -- I'd love to know, myself. I think the advanced query is often used more for things like bibliometric analysis than in application integrations, but there might well be some out there who've used it as you describe. It doesn't answer your question, but the only other thing I know from our public API dashboard is that we get a lot fewer advanced query requests sent to the API than query requests and affiliation requests -- usually only a few hundred advanced queries per day as compared to 5k-20k per day or more for the other parameters.

Anyone else?


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