EverVim Project Archive Notice

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Yi Rong

Mar 23, 2021, 2:36:24 PM3/23/21
to rongyi.io Public Announcements

Hi all,

The EverVim project (LER0ever/EverVim) at GitHub will be archived, effective Tue Mar 24, 02:30:00 GMT+8 (or 141:09:06:15 R.E.).

Why archive now?

  • I (the author) haven’t been dogfooding or updating EverVim since last time I committed to the repo (which is one and a half years ago)!
  • I’ve found modern programming features support in Vim / NeoVim to be pretty much inconsistent and unstable, either due to these two being increasingly different or features simply haven’t been implemented for Vim at all.
  • Because I’m the only contributor of the project, my limited bandwidth since last year has forced me to use existing well-polished solutions (such as VSCode, doom-emacs, Obsidian) for daily editing instead of maintaining “just another editor config”.

What does this mean for the project?

  • The repository will be put into “archived” status, meaning no changes can be pushed, no issues be filed and no PR be opened.
  • The project will remain open-source under the Apache-2.0 License, and you are always welcome to make forks and maintain your own version.

The Future of EverVim

The project is not gone for good ! It’s very likely to be brought back to life some time in the future, when the NeoVim ecosystem is good enough. Stay tuned!

But I’m still using it…

I chose to archive the repo based on the fact that even if it had more than one year of commit silence, very few issues were filed, meaning either it’s perfect or no one is actively using it. I believe it’s the latter.

However, if you do want to continue using the config, and happen to run into problems beyond your skills, feel free to contact me for support: hi+ev...@rongyi.io. And I do maintain an internal version for myself that I’d be more than happy to share!

Thank you!

Finally, I would like to thank all of you for having tried, starred, contributed to, or still using the project. Right before archiving, we have 567 Stars, 74 Forks, 46 Watches and several appearances in the GitHub Trending page for VimScript, built upon a total of 456 commits spanning across 3 years.

Until then,

Yi Rong


Mar 23, 2021, 3:04:21 PM3/23/21
to rongyi.io Public Announcements, 荣懿
The project is now archived, and all issues are closed with a label `project-archived`.

Please note that this ann...@rongyi.io mailing list is read-only.
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