Partnership Update Sep 21, 2020 for Camp Perrin

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RMI C3 Partnerships

Sep 25, 2020, 9:05:47 AM9/25/20
to Camp Perrin

Friends of Camp Perrin,

Good afternoon! Blessing to you from Haiti.   

Perguens and I had a chance to visit Camp Perrin this morning (Monday, Sept. 21) as well as the ongoing Ag Project. It was a joy to see the excitement as we uncovered the initial 30 boxes of food. It was also a pleasure to be able to visit with some of the children and their staff.
You will notice in the pictures, located here, that there is one girl in particular that struck our hearts. She was a 10 year old girl who was visiting the nurse with a condition with her hand and her foot. Her foot was beginning to curl inward and she was unable to open her hand completely. The nurse was carefully massaging her hand and working with her carefully, methodically and skillfully. Upon inquiry, we realized that she has had this condition for two years. She went to bed one night a healthy and happy 8 year old girl. When she woke up, her hand was in a fist and she could not open it up. Despite all types of tests and doctor visits, she has found no reason. So now, twice a month, she has therapy so she can attempt to resume her motor function. She had already had one operation to straighten her foot, but it's slowly turning in again. Please be in prayer for this young lady who takes it all in stride.
God's blessing has been on the Ag project! After the tropical storm went through drenching us with almost 7" of rain, they thought they would lose their entire corn crop. But God is good! The majority of it continued to grow and they will be harvesting it Wednesday. They have plans to sell it to the school for use with the children. Also, with each crop, they make sure to supply the Pastor and his family, and then they sell it to a multiple group of vendors in the church for resale. They are planning on planting onions and leeks in the next rotation. Also, they wanted us to know that the proceeds from the Ag Project were used to sustain the bills that needed to be paid for the church. During the COVID shutdown, the church was unable to raise the funds, because no one was meeting. What a blessing the Ag Project could subsidize their income!
Thank you again for your prayers and your support. It was a real joy for me to be able to visit and see what God is doing.
Blessings to you!

RMI Haiti Team


Notes from RMI...

  • Coordinators and Team Leaders - If you haven't already, is it time to register for your next trip to Haiti?
  • Did you know? - You can keep up with RMI on our Blog, Instagram, and Facebook.
  • Can you Help? - We need your HELP.
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  • Our Apologies! - Please excuse grammar and/or spelling mistakes. These updates are written and translated by non-native English speakers.

Sep 21, 2020

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