Partnership Update for Camp Perrin

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RMI C3 Partnerships

Mar 3, 2020, 11:06:48 AM3/3/20
to Camp Perrin

Friends of Camp Perrin,

Dear Pastor Steve and the Sister Church,

May peace and the grace of God be with you in Jesus name our Savior and Lord. We are very excited to write to you just to greet you and also to renew our friendship and Partnership.

The Camp-Perrin Church is doing well by the grace of God.
Unfortunately one month ago a thief got inside of the church. He took the church sound board, 5 microphones, the cables, one crossover, and a cable snack. Since that time, the church has had a sound system. Please pray for us as we also are praying for God to provide for us a new sound system.

The Camp-Perrin School (CEBAC) had a computer class project. Thanks to God, the school administration bought 10 computers. Now we are in need of a copy machine and a printer. Would you consider helping us with that please?
We share that information with you just to keep us in your prayers.

The church is praying for you, and we already know that you are coming in March 29, 2020

We are looking forward to seeing you all.  
The Camp-Perrin church greets you, your families and the church as well.

Happy New Year 2020 under God's Grace,

Pastor Edmond Astrel Rene

RMI Haiti Team


Notes from RMI...

  • Coordinators and Team Leaders - If you haven't already, is it time to register for your next trip to Haiti?
  • Did you know? - You can keep up with RMI on our Blog, Instagram, and Facebook.
  • Can you Help? - We need your HELP.
  • Want to respond to this Partnership Update? - This is a subscription based group message. Therefore you are unable to respond directly to this email. To send a response, please do so through your church's Partnership Coordinator.
  • Our Apologies! - Please excuse grammar and/or spelling mistakes. These updates are written and translated by non-native English speakers.

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