Friends of Camp Perrin,
Greetings, Pastor Astrel and his wife came and visited the RMI office and they wanted to greet you. They send love to their sister church. They want you to know that Camp Perrin Church is doing very well. They just had the regional convention at Maniche Baptist Church. It was a success. They saw how God used His children to do His work. Pastor Astrel recently had a surgery in his right eye. He is shortsighted, and he has flesh in his eye. Unfortunately, he will need to go back tomorrow, July 25, to have an another Surgery. The first one was not a success. Please pray for his wife. She has some pain in her legs. They want you to know they love you, and they are praying for your next visit.
May God bless each every one of you!
RMI Parnership Facilitator,
Perguens Hyppolite
RMI Haiti Team
Can you HELP our Haitian Staff?
Please excuse grammar and/or spelling mistakes. These updates are written and translated by non-native English speakers.
Jul 24, 2018