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Partnership Update Jul 16, 2021 for Camp Perrin

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RMI C3 Partnerships

Jul 16, 2021, 7:45:11 PM7/16/21
to Camp Perrin

Friends of Camp Perrin,

Pastor Mercilhomme Labossiere greets you in the Lord. He thanks all friends and members of Schuykill Church. He wants to let you know that Mon Casse school has been a success because of your generous help. Many parents could not afford to pay for school for their kids, but you have helped them reach their goals so we thank you so much. 

We know life has been very difficult for the USA these past few years. You have faced a lot of difficulties in the states. You had Covid 19 that was a big burden for each of us. However, that did not stop you from helping us in the Camp Perrin district. A big thank you to you all. Please greet the church for us. 

We continue to pray that God will allow you to come visit again soon.

May God bless you richly

Thank you,
Pastor Mercil'homme Labossiere
Mont Casse pastor

RMI Haiti Team


Notes from RMI...

  • Coordinators and Team Leaders - If you haven't already, is it time to register for your next trip to Haiti?
  • Did you know? - You can keep up with RMI on our Blog, Instagram, and Facebook.
  • Can you Help? - We need your HELP.
  • Want to respond to this Partnership Update? - This is a subscription based group message. Therefore you are unable to respond directly to this email. To send a response, please do so through your church's Partnership Coordinator.
  • Our Apologies! - Please excuse grammar and/or spelling mistakes. These updates are written and translated by non-native English speakers.

Jul 16, 2021

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