Friends of Camp Perrin,
Agricultural Project updates
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,
We are very thrilled to have this opportunity to communicate with you. We are very thankful to have the agriculture project. As a pilot project, we know that we might have to change some of our strategies in some aspects of the project, but we have many reasons to celebrate because these are the first steps to the success that we are looking forward to.
When we see the willingness of the agricultural project leaders in Camp Perrin, we are very optimistic for the future of this program. As we all know that success comes where there is diligence. We commit ourselves to be diligent. We want to thank you for trusting us with this project. As we identify all the obstacles, we hope that moving forward we will be more fruitful.
Everything is already set for getting more results in the project in the next months. As we know, we cannot do anything without God. We want you to pray for the continuing of this project.
We will keep you informed about it all. We love Jesus Christ and you all.
Pierre Rony , The RMI Agricultural Coordinator.
RMI Haiti Team
Notes from RMI...
Jun 06, 2019