Pastor Astrel sends you greetings in the name of the Lord.
Camp Perrin Baptist Church is very happy to know that you are always thinking and praying for them. Thank you so much for all the masks you provided to us. Every Sunday we have four services in the church with a group of 10 people.
The reason why we have so many services is because we have a group of Bible Students from a seminary that are interning at Camp Perrin Church.
Here are the different service times: starting at 7 am to 8 am we receive the first group (10 people).
8 am to 9 am we receive the second group (10 people)
9 am to 10 am the third group (10)
3pm to 4 pm the fourth group (10)
The church members are very happy with this schedule. We are able to distribute masks to them as well.
Again, thank you for the 50 boxes of food you provided to us. It has been a blessing to receive the food, and we are going to share some with the satellite churches.
May God bless you pastor Steve and all the members of your church.
Pastor Edmond Astrel Rene
RMI Haiti Team
Notes from RMI...
May 21, 2020