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Partnership Update May 07, 2018 for Camp Perrin

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RMI C3 Partneships

May 7, 2018, 12:50:24 PM5/7/18
to Camp Perrin

Friends of Camp Perrin,

Camp Perrin Agricultural Project 

After the first step of Camp Perrin Agricultural program, it is time to have a new garden.  It is raining a lot, so it is impossible to have an appointment with the committee during this time. As the coordinator of this program, I am looking forward to having this meeting with the team to see how we will start the new garden. The first step was a success. We hope the second one will be as effective. 
We will keep in touch with Schuylkill Valley Church and Pastor Steve about the information related to the project. We love you in Jesus Christ.      

Pierre Rony Toussaint

RMI Haiti Team


P.S. A Request from RMI

For More Information...


May 07, 2018

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