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DISCUSSION: Which Board Should We Start with for our Developer Board in Early 2024

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Jeff Scheel

Jan 21, 2024, 10:06:05 AM1/21/24
to RISC-V Development Board Program
Hello, Folks,

As mentioned in last week's meeting, I'm interested in your thoughts as to what the first Developer Board (in a RPI form-factor) is that we should buy.  I'm resigned to the fact that this board may not have the 2021 Extension set that we've been awaiting, but fully expect to have better boards available in 2H of this year.

So, I'd say our options are:
  1. Continue with the VisionFive V2 board
  2. Move to the Beagle Ahead
  3. Move to the Huashan Pi
  4. Move to the Kendryte K230
I'd be interested in your recommendation and how you support it.


Jeff Scheel (he/him/his)
Director of Technical Programs, RISC-V International

Daniel Maslowski

Jan 21, 2024, 10:33:44 AM1/21/24
to Jeff Scheel, RISC-V Development Board Program
Hey Jeff,

Here's my usual controversial thinking:
It would be great to feature both SiFive and T-Head cores, so I'd rather add one board. :-)

I am in favor of the K230, since it offers the newer C908 core, one with vector extension 1.0.


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Leon N

Jan 21, 2024, 10:38:35 AM1/21/24
to Daniel Maslowski, Jeff Scheel, RISC-V Development Board Program
Hi Jeff, 

Without going into specific of supported HW. 

The Lichee Pi from Sispeed Or thr Milkv Mars is also a good idea

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