Attendees: Jeff, Prasanna, Chen, Thea, Daniel, Yu Bo, Andy, Peter Yoon, Wei Wu, Guo Ren, Axel, Henrich (via email)
Special Topics:
Shakti processor (Prasanna)
Slides: (pdf link)
Notes not from slides
Two main RISC-V processors in India - Shakti, Vega
Shakti startup companies: InCore Semiconductors, Mindgrove, SecurWeave, Vyoma Systems, Shakra (dev boards)
E-Class (Embedded, IOT devices), C-Class (Controller, SBC), I-Class (servers and mobile)
More classes exist.
3 devboards at this time
Aires board exists but not for public sale
Expect publicly available devboards by the end of the year 🤞
Program Updates:
Debian (Yu Bo)
No update for Debian official porting for riscv64
Debian community is not willing to accept the porting of riscv32 at this time.
Note (from Jeff): This is consistent with other Linux distributions dropping 32-bit application support
Henirich not able to attend. No status updates.
Android (AOSP)
Continue ART development, completed assembler part: "implement entrypoints sufficient to run a hello world test. Implement generic JNI trampoline and supporting code such as exception handling, so that the runtime can execute native methods during class initialization. Classes are initialized at the time when Java libraries are loaded by the runtime.";
binary_translation & native_bridge_support still in rapid involvement, many pull-requests merged since last meeting.
Others are some daily updates, including toolchain upgrade to 17.0.2, kernel build script improvements, and some minor maintenance updates on bionic.
We have merged DRAM init for JH7100 and JH7110 into main
SBI rework to support all SoCs is WIP
Applied for milkV developer program to get a milkV Mars board
GSoC project bringing GRUB to coreboot for RISC-V
Program status
Overall 1 pager: (link)
May status collection underway
All 20 boards delivered
VisionFive V2
All 58 boards have been shipped.
54 delivered.
1 is having Customs issues (India). We are rerouting this board to “friendly” place.
1 had a hiccup with delivery in France.
2 are still making “normal” progress.
The RISC-V website (link) has opened the call for the remaining projects (inventory).
2 Project Submissions. Both look good.
Review of pending DevBoards site updates:
Sites link
No pending updates to review
Is the VisionFive V2 an option for the Automotive group?
Jeff has reached out to the Automotive SIG Chairs to get their input
What’s next?
Milk-V Duo (link) does not obviously meet any specific program needs
PIONEER appears to be sooner, but lacks Vector 1.0 support, Hypervisor, and other 4Q2021 extensions
Compiles showing 10x faster than Unmatched in informal testing
Horse Creek will have newer extensions but may not be as early
Lichee Pi 4A being used extensively in Android ecosystem
Jeff wants to do 1-2 more projects in 2023 and get these built in 3Q and have ordered no later than early 4Q.
What’s cool?: - Imagination GPU work for RISC-V - Tenstorrent partnering with LG on SmartTVs - Meta AI chip has RISC-V cores - milkV duo boards are shipping - This is the Build & Flashing guide. Android can boot up to home screen (slowly)!!! - Latest JH7110 upstream plan - Box64 support for RISC-V - RISE to focus on software enablement for RISC-V
Miscellaneous notes:
RISC-V Summit China CFP open
RISC-V Summit North America CFP open
RISC-V Summit Europe occurs next week