Attendees: Jeff, Peter, Heinrich, Wei Fu, Rafael, Thea, Daniel, Wei Wu
Board Updates:
Program Updates:
Start building Fedora 38, will finish in Apr
ROS2/ROS have been built on Fedora 37, testing
Fedora 37 image on Sophgo Server and T-Head TH1520 has been built in Openkoji (CAS)
Milk-V pioneer is under testing with Fedora 37, release on 15th Apr
Kernel supporting StarFive VisionFive V2 kernel is in lunar-proposed.
UART, SD-card, Ethernet are supported. Boot from SD card is working.
PCIe and USB are not yet supported. (Planned) upstream patches will add these.
Android (AOSP)
ART(Java VM) work in-progress by Google & Alibaba developers.
Interpreter mode almost done, Compiler mode under development.
The main target of the Google team is RISCV QEMU, the result will be ported to the physical HW of the Dev-board program.
VisionFive 2 / JH7110 DRAM init making progress
5th dev live stream has been recorded; upload to YouTube to follow soon
We have shown that we can LinuxBoot from NVMe on the VisionFive 2 (JH7110). (screenshot)
Backported kexec patches:
This includes a defconfig for the vf2 for use with cpu. Note that I had to disable purgatory (same for the upstream kernel) for kexec to work properly.
cpu (coming Plan 9, ported to Linux: )
Demo for multi-distro via Docker and cpu ( )
Shown openSUSE, Alpine and Debian all used in parallel on the VisionFive 2
February monthly status continues to look good (link). Awaiting new projects.
No update
VisionFive V1s
4 of the final 7 boards shipped. Last 3 spoken for.
First round of evals sent – accepts/rejects
14 of 20 boards requested for shipment.
Final 6 boards committed, but not yet requested shipment.
Form closed.
VisionFive V2s
Approval to order 80 boards
60 boards spoken for. Geographic breakdown understood.
POs for Allnet cut and under review
Active work underway to improve the RISC-V Compatible Trademark Permission Process
See “Branding Guidelines” for program details
Details about the work are available on the sig-arch-test list. Please join there if interested or reach out to Jeff.
Google Sites created (and published) for program information
Published: link
Edits: link (should be editable by all in group)
What’s missing? Outcomes
How do we want to handle updates? We will visit during our meetings and publish drafts as needed. Jeff will serve as Editor. Updates from group welcome.
What’s cool?: - VisionFive V2 upstream plan - Spider Monkey JIT (Firefox) for RISC-V - RISC-V port for box64, - RISC-V Tablet from Pine64 (PineTab-V) - ROMA tweet - Star64 board from Pine64 details and pricing