DevBoard Status for February

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Jeff Scheel

Mar 2, 2023, 8:09:55 AM3/2/23
to RISC-V Developer Board Community

I'm a week late for opening February's status which is now live.  However, I'd like to have you think about this differently.

While you are more than welcome to document your monthly results in the "montly" form (link), if you've had your board for over a year, please consider "declaring victory" and summarizing your accomplishment and feedback into one final submission in the final form.

As always, if you've submitted a final report, no action is needed.

I'll leave the monthly form open until next Friday, March 10 at which point I'll collect and summarize the results.

Thanks for all your contributions to the RISC-V program!

Jeff Scheel (he/him/his)
Linux Foundation, RISC-V Technical Program Manager

Jeff Scheel

Mar 10, 2023, 9:21:15 AM3/10/23
to RISC-V Developer Board Community, Jeff Scheel

I've closed monthly status.  If you had something you really wanted to submit, please reach out and I'll re-open it for you.

Thanks for those who provided feedback.  I'll post the report once I've rolled things up.

Jeff Scheel (he/him/his)
Linux Foundation, RISC-V Technical Program Manager

Jeff Scheel

Mar 10, 2023, 9:34:27 AM3/10/23
to RISC-V Developer Board Community, Jeff Scheel

As promised, here is this month's summary:

Please post any questions, comments, thoughts to this list.

Jeff Scheel (he/him/his)
Linux Foundation, RISC-V Technical Program Manager

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