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ACTION REQUESTED: June Status Submission by July 3

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Jeff Scheel

Jun 26, 2023, 7:54:56 AM6/26/23
to RISC-V Developer Board Community

June is wrapping up quickly as the summer accelerates.  That means it's time to submit project status.  For on-going projects such as the new boards (ICE-V and VisionFive V2), please use the "monthly" form (link) to submit status. 

If you've had your board for over a year, you are more than welcome to submit monthly status, but please consider "declaring victory" and summarizing your accomplishment and feedback into one final submission in the final form.

As always, if you've submitted a final report, no action is needed.

Your status is requested by Monday, July 3 at which point I'll collect and summarize the results.

Thanks for all your contributions to the RISC-V program!

Jeff Scheel (he/him/his)
Linux Foundation, RISC-V Technical Program Manager

Jeff Scheel

Jul 5, 2023, 8:50:51 AM7/5/23
to RISC-V Developer Board Community, Jeff Scheel
June status is closed.  Thanks to the 15 people who contributed!

Jeff Scheel (he/him/his)
Linux Foundation, RISC-V Technical Program Manager

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