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Learning Environments September Newsletter

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Amanda Barnett

Aug 30, 2022, 5:41:20 PM8/30/22
to LE-News
Hello Everyone,

Learning Environments September newsletter is attached. It contains:
  • FIRST FRIDAY THIS WEEK! We are going to be discussing the uses of Google Drive in Canvas (how-to and best practices). Registration Link
  • We have created a survey to gather feedback from those who teach at Rice. LE Faculty Survey 2022-2023.
  • A variety of new tools and features Canvas
  • tips and tricks
  • and more!

Around the 5th of each month we provide pertinent information about Canvas, Kaltura, Zoom, and Accessibility as well as our training calendar for workshops and one-on-one sessions for assistance with your teaching needs.

Please feel free to share widely. If others would like to join this group to receive this newsletter, they can do so by going to LE-News and clicking “Join Group” or by sending an email to

Learning Environments Staff
Learning Environments Newsletter September 2022.pdf
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