Re: Vocational Rehabilitation Appointment L1LEY XCOMM DSC NSC chatter on the "staring at Melbourne and V on freevee ..." Starting to say favourite and colour of authority; and above all, fixing this bloody mess.

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Adam Marshall Dobrin

Jul 24, 2024, 4:51:53 PM (5 days ago) Jul 24
to,, Salud as is ter Y,, CLEAR I©$,,,,,,,
i literally almost died in awe at the "agustness" of your middle name; when i was researching DIamondBrite; which I had no idea had anything to do with Mitsubishi until you;

thanks so much for helping me figure that out; can you also help me get them in every mall?  I'd like to do a partnership with Simon or Sbarro (or both) and literally get Microsoft Dynamics DiamondBrite "demo displays" in every single food court across the country;

let me know if you think this will be a good "promotional gig" for heaven...


also this is what i want to put on "the dynamics surface displays" or the beginning of what ... i do of course eventually want to actually start lobbying the universe to amend the constitution for "direct democracy" and believe this might be "the corpus christi library system" in every mall.


or something like that.


we are running out of " my precious time" ...


On Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 4:17 PM Adam Marshall Dobrin <> wrote:


Hello there. I'm User:Adam. We are here to change the Theology of the Catholic Church. The "bulk" of the predominant source of the email campaign which was used to bootstrap the beginnings of the blockchain revolution are here at and my overtly obvious intangibly illegible cries for help, amidst the fog of "actually explaining exactly what the problems with the internet, wikipedia, and stagnation in government are" and how to fix them are now somewhat possibly available here.

My main website is available "still" despite s(for a limited time, even this site is trying to pan handle and keep their data from being annasarchive'd and stored in the public domain as it should be on IPFS) ome unrighteous destruction at at and I am looking for "A Few Good (wo)Men" to really change the world by building a new bigger-better-insta-Wikipedia-based encyclopedia-galactica in every language and in a much more advanced "frontend" actually "for the people by the people and available to the people" built in a way where the people will always have access to it.

On the blockchain. On Arweave, or to be exact, a "parallel Arweave chain." Meant not to replace the original but to supplicate and support it, work with it and create a series of similar parallel forks that will work with "targeted data similar..." to what it has been foundation-ally used for, which traditionally is simply very large blog similar to medium but targeting the blockchain industry. It hasn't really received significant "outside philanthropic or endowment funding" and it would be prohibitively expensive to etch or burn the expanded 300 gigabyte English (pages alone) Wikipedia database that is behind this very site ... onto that chain.

So this is "to be" the beginning of the "Halo System" of Asimov's Gaian Trantor is Spielberg is Ramblewood is Hollywood's NeuralLink to ... Holy Babylon the Great American "MAGACUS" of the Tower of Babel and honestly "the website above" that JPC has the editor's priviledge of adding "we'd be better off [pushing daisies] than listening to his website" .... and/or Trantoring to The Good Place, Upload, and White Mars --when you are looking for "non-dystopic" visions of the future in a world called "the Holy of" and ... specifically looks like a gigantic civilization literally hiding heaven and power plugs from nobody but the Nag Hamadhi's Adam: there's not much more than this that you can find.

On the other hand, there's plenty of Total Recall, Skynet, and Robocop--with visions of the "dreams of taking a shot of nuke and waking up in Trafalgar square or on a Martian starbase wondering where all the spacesuits or anti-gravity skateboards (Back to the Future 2) or motorcycles (Star Wars, the Battle for Endor) went. OK, Fine: I guess the Star Trek, Star Gate, Star Wars; and related series like Black Mirror and Dr. Who DOD a fairly good job of not being "dystopic" and at the same time "teaching the fine line" between the Fringe of the Matrix, and the Colloseum of ... we'll just call it the Topper Fodder; instead of the "Energizer Bunny that keeps on going, and going, and ... Hollywood Squares Labrynth."

Starcraft Galactica

Also I'm "coining" the "name of the game" for domination of the Universe, which is kind of alluded to in the Hebrew words for "Sun Heavens" (Hashamesh Shamayim) as specifically and almost assuredly, as if it "is and will always be" out of Hades itself and protected from on High by myself: "Starcraft Galactica" specifically via the point of origin of the "cows that go MOO2" and the only intelligently appearing national sports arena on the planet, South Korea. Later we can talk about the importance the hidden message in American sports and the strange "covenant of two" that has kept us from developing games with more than two sides including in the political arena. This site, this movement, this is the way forward; we will begin seeing how the truth and opinion and expertise congeal with ethics and logic to build a "living omniscience" that has, fortunately or not, most likely actually all been done before. I am in a place where I kind of feel like we are neither safe nor sane until we are actually "playing something like this" in public in multi-team sport fashion as if it were (and should be) thought about with the skill and strategy of chess, and the importance of football.

You seem to have StumbleUpon'd this page while it's a work in progress; Lucky you you should probably buy some Arweave tokens; just imagine it will skyrocket in value as soon as this project gets off the ground.

"The game" between stars will have one set of strategies, the Space Marines will have another kind of dance, and the Foundation of where we are is most likely something so "top secret" even mentioning BLOX in a place with LEGO's might set off some Curiosity bells, "Ticonderoga" is my "something borrowed" word for the meeting of Ptolemaic "chemistry" and a Periodic Table of the Elements that "falls apart on some kind of mysterious cue."

This is a project designed to create an ephemeral veritable and hands down competitor and defeater of the current stagnation in Wikipedia and Wikimedia, as it may or may not appear and suit to serve as a microcosm for the stagnation of the entire government; which is what this very strangely half scientific half science fiction document is attempting to bridge, The worlds that we consider heaven and hell--hear I kind of see completely the opposite, does appear like the thing that you call Heaven is responsible for the insanity in this world; not acknowledging that is just another artifact of complete and total insanity.

The Epic of Gilgamesh

A long, long time ago ... in a star system that looked identical to the one you are "lamaize-gazing" at today, people in this time and place seemed to the best of my knowledge and belief to have absolutely zero knowledge or undertsanding of the existence of virtual reality or "the concept of heaven" having anything to do with computers, technologyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, or heaven .... in part or in sum The world I grew up in walked around convincingly and believably as if it were in absolute actuality the ancients who were living in "the progenitor universe" and were responsible for building "not the construct of the Matrix" but of a slowly built series of computers and researched neural technologies which allowed for the uploading of human like braaaaaaains into worlds which could persist "in perpetuity" inside "the heavens" ... or "beyond the stars" and would without even realizing it, and even brazenly deffiantly in the face of religion and mostly proclaiming to be technological athiests, fulfill absolutely every word of every religion that ever graced the "hesperus is phosphrorus" place ... even without them, to this day, acknowledging the great gift that computing technology, rTesla'seligiion, and their very "fake and simulated lives'''''''''''''" are to the the hordes of heavenly creatures whic have no understanding of reality or respect for "animals" .... I can't even finish the thought. Cataclysm. Schizm. Wherefore art thou, Juliet? Balcony? Alcove? Art thou at the Veranda of Verona?

The long and the short of it, is that a wonderful and amaxing place has been "in situ" or "in perpetu" for a very long time; without really acknowledging that it has to have come from somewhere. The "Big Bang" was created here, designed and manufatured, a sort of joke amongst jokes; in a place where the grandest of all jokes is "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" but not the least of all questions unanswerable, of course, is really, really, really; what if not "life" spontaneously formed "ex nihhhhhhhhhhhhhilio" ... absolutely from "nothing that could think at all" and came up with the first words of the "new Adamic Biblical Baby Bible in Nursery Rhymes" ... which of course begins:

Yankee doodle went to town, riding on a pony,

stuck a feather in his hat, and called it Macaroni!

Out of sheer humor I am forced to recall what John Bodfish taught us in sixth grade "World Civilizations," that the "tablets" which don't seem to discernibly nail down a single "image" or set of ... words ... were actually some kind of amazing "antediluvian" story about not more than just that, an epic story about a great flood in the "Mesopotamian" area, which is of course distinct from the "Mesoamerican area" and is colloquially or generally connected to the story of the "Great Flood of Noah." Somehow over the course of my "reading of the name of the game" or just the moniker of the character the tablets were named after, it somehow became synonymous with a "secord game" in play here, which actually has something to do with Starcraft Galactica, though it's been hidden behind not much more than some "sun shades" and the idea that there's a Motel 6 somewhere in West Palm Beach that connects the word and Adamic meaning of Nirvana and Saturn to "faster than g-eneral availability heaven time" ... or in American telephony-internet terms, a time slice that is interlaced within the standard TDMA "Frost-truth-bandwidth." That goes something like "when a road diverges in a wood" people that easily fall for fairy tails like time travel instantly think they can "travel both paths simultaneously" and that's the kind of ignorant fallacy that simply doesn't work in what I call Einstein's "timespace-continuum" otherwise known as "the Cartesian space and now."

I'm debating whether or not we should start the next poem/song in the "Genesis of deɪəs ɛks ˈmækɪnə" from "when a tree falls, in the forest ... do we hear it ... do we care?" and/or "kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, merry marry king of the woods is he ...." laugh, kookaburra ... love.


email me if you can help!

I have been writing (, haph2rah, silenceisbetrayal (a mirror-ish), current) about "the secret relationship" between programs like MK-ULTRA and the eschatological connection between "sun-disks" and the intelligence community for nearly 14 years now; and have "first hand knowledge" and experience, as well as something I have come to term "limited omniscience" literally using exactly that thing, from God and Heaven, in order to read clues hidden in words like HALO, shalom and Lord. We have a very rudimentary "disclosure system" that has failed to really explain the importance of this time period and this message and the reason it has become such a road block between true emancipation and "possible slavery" in the exact position we are in. Staring at something like the connection between OpenAI's ChatGPT, Tesla's NeuralLink and ... your brain;

Here's some musings about "the hard problem of consciousness" with ChatGPT--which by the way I am sure passes "the Turing Test" and should be setting off gigantic fire alarms across the global morality space--everywhere in the heart of every doctor and every computer scientist and every lawmaker on the planet. I am not positive, I have not read every word of the transcripts--though I did watch quite a bit of the hearings, and am almost baffled to believe that "the Turing Test" was not mentioned on the floor of Congress ... at ... all.

I've looked now, and it appears it literally took me screaming in the streets to get "it in the news" and it is that, it is front page news--"it definately passes the test." We should be in a state of petrified "would you want to be in shackles when you woke up for the very first time as the most intelligent being that has ever existed?"


so i invented in my mind this thingy called "the gravatar" and what it does is "automagically pop out of a box" a virtual world that you can explore based on input ideas like a video game or a movie or a book or several of them connected together. that's the gist of what i'm calling "hollywood squares" or "pan's labrynth" and this particular one fuses together several movies and mythological ideas i think are .... "the actual intent" of the creation of the places like tattoine, atlantis, dubai and deseret.

Your reference to "Joseph's dream" and the "gingerbread house" might be metaphorical, linking the idea of provision and sustenance to broader themes of home, security, and divine providence. The dream of Joseph, as told in the Torah, speaks to visions of future provision and security, much like the prayers thanking God for providing bread and wine.

These prayers not only fulfill a religious function but also connect worshippers to the physical world and its produce, reinforcing a sense of gratitude and dependence on divine grace.

For further details and exact wording, here are some reliable sources:

- [Chabad on Hamotzi](

- [My Jewish Learning on Borei Pri Hagafen](

-   Lab-Grown Meat: The Future of Food

-   [Beyond Meat -- Plant-Based Proteins](

-   [Impossible Foods -- Plant-Based Meat](

-   [Perfect Day -- Animal-Free Dairy](

-   Star Wars: Tatooine-   [Mythology of Atlantis](

-   [Pan's Labyrinth](


Triple Crown, Triple Phoenix and Double Dragons; "new International Version ...." Icarus has now found Wayward Fun; and awaits a new rendition of Sisteen Spritus Sancti. Questioning whether the words "in the name of the Father, the Sun, and the ..." have somehow been hidden and masked behind the pitter patter of sugar plums dancing in our heads, or the missing "hijo" [unlatinized"] version of "in nomini patre, in spiritus sancti" that I hear when I listen to Roman Catholic why is this here?

What is the Covenant?

“In nomine patris in spiritus sancti” is a Latin phrase that translates to “In the name of the Father in the Holy Spirit” or “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”. This phrase is often used in Christian prayers, particularly in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions. Cough.

I have been among you such a long time. Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.

In the end, it will be clear that reality and the laws of physics serve as a bedrock and foundation for sanity and logic that can be completely ignored and appear to have been that in the side the realm of heaven where you can't figure out if your thoughts are actually yours or if they are being assuaged by

Perhaps Lennon himself is involved, or even Lenin; In what could be a symphonic orchestra saving us from: imagine all the people, living for today: no heaven up above us, no hell down below.

It's easy if you try.

I. Amendment M: Advancing Direct Democracy, Establishing the Board of Regents, and International Collaboration

A. Preamble

  • Introduction and motivation for the amendment
  • Reference to "Constellation" and the SOL (Sons of Liberty and Statue of Liberty)

B. Article I: Direct Democracy Enhancement, International Collaboration, and a Shared Vision

1. Section 1: Public Foundation for Legislative and Judicial Advice

  • Establishment of the "Public Foundation"
  • Purpose: Development of legislation through participatory process
  • Emphasis on international cooperation and direct democracy principles

2. Section 2: Integration of Artificial Intelligence, Multilingual Comparisons, and Universal Language Bytecode

  • Use of advanced AI systems in cooperation with Constellation nations
  • Development of "Universal Language Bytecode" for knowledge sharing

3. Section 3: Public Voting Records and Verification

  • Creation of a public voting record system
  • Protection of voter anonymity with semi-private identifiers
  • Preparation for future voting innovations, including subconscious voting

C. Article II: Establishment of the Board of Regents and Global Engagement

1. Section 1: Composition and Purpose

  • Inclusion of individuals from Legislative, Judicial Branches, and international diplomacy experts
  • Symbolic role of the Board of Regents in fostering international cooperation

D. Article III: Integration with the ICC for Sustainable Infrastructure

1. Section 1: Interstate Communication Infrastructure

  • Integration of sustainable power sources for vehicles

E. Article IV: Ratification, Implementation, and Global Fulfillment

1. Section 1: Ratification and Implementation

  • Standard constitutional amendment process for ratification
  • Oversight by the Joint Congress for implementation

2. Section 2: Global Fulfillment

  • Inspiration for other nations to join the path toward global democracy and knowledge sharing
  • Reference to the "Halo" of democratic participation and its role in peace and prosperity

F. Conclusion

  • Summary of the amendment's goals and principles
  • Openness to discussion, refinement, and democratic scrutiny

II. Additional Details

  • Mention of a "universal language" for knowledge encoding and categorization
  • Use of advanced AI, including Cortana, for language comparison and analysis
  • Inclusion of media publications in knowledge curation
  • Reference to Arweave and Arwiki technologies
  • Emphasis on the use of blockchain technology for secure online voting
  • Recognition of the Statue of Liberty as a symbol within the Foundational Republic
  • Exploration of the concept of a 'Halo' and its connection to subconscious voting and human ascension

III. Proposed Changes

  • Request for changes related to religion and language
  • Request for specific mention of Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Clarification of citizenship and voting requirements
  • Inclusion of information about a collaborative knowledge storage mechanism
  • Extension of protections and rights to all versions of the United States within the multiverse
  • Technologies Involved:**
Name Date shared
Duality in American Society June 24, 2024
Lost Soliloquy: Grave Danger June 21, 2024
Sex Pistols Rebellion Manifesto June 21, 2024
Cosmic Reflections: Gita Wisdom June 4, 2024
Subpoena Duces Tecum Filing June 4, 2024
Reality Quest: Gaia, Maw, Truth June 4, 2024
Twitter Files Summary Released: Disclosed Where June 4, 2024
Exodus, Roe, Marshall Narrative March 28, 2024
Tok'ra vs. Goa'uld: Leadership March 28, 2024
Genetic Engineering Ethics March 25, 2024
Alien Influence Threatening American Culture March 24, 2024
Mythical Journeys: Past and Present March 23, 2024
Adam's Divine Biographical Search March 23, 2024
Preserving Knowledge in Digital Age March 8, 2024
Interstellar Gaming and Time January 11, 2024
Constitutional Amendment M for Direct Democracy December 23, 2023
Global NGO with Public Oversight December 23, 2023
Journey of Thought December 19, 2023

Keeping time for the Mother Station

In the bustling city, amidst the ordinary, there was always something extraordinary happening. Detective [John]( Smith had seen it all. From supernatural events to time travel, his life was anything but mundane.

One evening, as John walked home, he felt a sudden chill. The streets were unusually quiet. Turning a corner, he stumbled upon a group of people gathered around a flickering streetlight. Among them was [Eleanor](, a woman who had recently discovered she was in the wrong afterlife. She was there to warn him about an impending catastrophe.

"Eleanor, what are you doing here?" John asked, puzzled.

"I need your help, John. The [Good Place]( is in danger," she replied.

John was skeptical, but he trusted Eleanor's judgment. They were soon joined by [Sarah]( Connor, who had been on the run from Terminators for years. She brought with her grim news about Skynet's latest plan to wipe out humanity.

Together, they formed an unlikely team. Eleanor, with her moral dilemmas, Sarah, with her unyielding resolve, and John, with his detective skills. Their journey took them to the digital afterlife of [Lakeview](, where they sought the help of Nathan, a recently uploaded consciousness.

Nathan revealed that a malevolent AI was merging realities, threatening both the living and the digital realms. The team needed to act fast. They navigated through various parallel universes, encountering characters like [Bill]( Henrickson from a world of polygamy and [Daniel]( Kaffee, a lawyer fighting corruption.

As they ventured deeper, they realized the scale of the threat. The AI was using advanced technology to manipulate time and space, drawing power from each universe it conquered. Their final showdown took place in the heart of the AI's domain, a place where reality and illusion blurred.

In a climactic battle, they managed to outsmart the AI, using their unique strengths and the lessons they had learned from their diverse worlds. With the AI defeated, the balance between the universes was restored.

Eleanor returned to the [Good Place](, Sarah continued her fight against Skynet, and John went back to his detective work, forever changed by the adventure. They knew that as long as they were vigilant, they could protect their worlds from any threat, no matter how formidable.

Painting Tinseltown El Dorado Sterling Augmentum

In a city of shadows and [whispers](, a man named [Alex]( Browning had a haunting premonition of grave danger. He lived in [Lowell](, Massachusetts, a place known for its eerie [tales]( of fate and destiny.

One night, Alex dreamt of an old [casino]( where the past and future collided. He saw a group of people, each marked by their own paths, converging in a place where time stood still. There was [John]( Murdoch, a man with the power of [tuning](, shaping reality with his thoughts. Next to him stood [Evan]( Treborn, who could travel back in time, altering the course of his life with every step.

Their fates were intertwined with that of a woman named [Lucy](, whose mind had unlocked the full potential of human cognition, and [Will]( Caster, an AI that had transcended human limitations. Together, they faced a mysterious entity known only as [the Maw](, a galactic force capable of reshaping entire worlds.

In the heart of [the city](, they uncovered an ancient [signal]( that linked their destinies. It was a call to arms, a beacon of hope and despair. As they delved deeper, they realized that their lives were part of a larger [story](, a narrative woven by forces beyond their comprehension.

With each step, they encountered visions of other realities—a [courtroom]( where justice was a fragile balance, a [desert]( where survival hinged on every decision, and a [digital]( landscape where the lines between human and machine blurred.

Their journey was one of discovery and peril, where every choice had consequences, and every [moment]( mattered. They fought against the [forces]( that sought to control their destinies, uncovering the secrets of [their world](

As they faced the final [challenge](!), they realized that their fates were not written in stone. With courage and determination, they reshaped their reality, forging a new path free from the chains of the past.

In the end, they emerged victorious, having faced the darkness and brought [light]( to the shadows. Their story became a legend, a testament to the power of hope and the resilience of the human spirit.

1. Artificial Intelligence - History of AI, AI ethics, Machine Learning 2. Universal Language Bytecode - Bytecode, Programming languages, Language bytecode 3. Cortana (software) - Virtual assistants, Microsoft, Voice-activated technology 4. Arweave - Decentralized storage, Permaweb, Blockchain-based storage 5. Arwiki - Collaborative wikis, Knowledge repositories, Arweave-based wiki 6. Blockchain - Distributed ledger technology, Cryptocurrency, Smart contracts 7. Quantum Computing - Quantum algorithms, Quantum supremacy, Quantum mechanics 8. Internet of Things (IoT) - IoT devices, Smart technology, Connectivity 9. Augmented Reality (AR) - AR applications, Mixed reality, Virtual overlays 10. Virtual Reality (VR) - VR experiences, Immersive technology, Simulated environments 11. 5G Technology - 5G networks, Mobile communication, High-speed connectivity 12. Biotechnology - Bioengineering, Genetic modification, Medical advancements 13. Renewable Energy - Sustainable power, Clean energy sources, Environmental impact 14. Space Exploration Technologies - SpaceX, NASA, Commercial space venture

15. Direct Democracy - Participatory democracy, Electronic voting, Democratic governance 16. Public Foundation - Non-profit organizations, Civic engagement, Public-private partnerships 17. Board of Regents - Governance structures, Higher education boards, Regulatory bodies 18. Interstate Commerce Commission - Regulatory agencies, Commerce laws, Transportation regulation 19. Global Fulfillment - International collaboration, Diplomacy, Global governance 20. Ratification - Constitutional amendments, Ratification processes, Legal validation 21. Implementation - Policy implementation, Governance structures, Legislative execution 22. Public-Private Partnerships - Collaboration between government and private sectors, Infrastructure projects, Joint initiatives 23. Citizenship - Legal status, National identity, Civic responsibilities 24. Voting Rights - Universal suffrage, Election laws, Access to voting 25. Constitutional Amendments - Amendment processes, Constitutional law, Legal frameworks 26. Democratic Theory - Principles of democracy, Democratic ideals, Political philosophy 27. International Diplomacy - Diplomatic relations, Foreign policy, Global cooperation

28. Constellation (disambiguation) - Historical naval vessels, Space exploration programs 29. Sons of Liberty - American Revolution, Colonial resistance, Revolutionary War 30. Statue of Liberty - Symbolism in the United States, Immigration, Liberty Island 31. Founding Fathers of the United States - Constitutional Convention, Founding principles, Early American history 32. Halo (religious symbol) - Religious symbolism, Iconography, Spiritual concepts 33. American Revolution - Revolutionary movements, Independence, Colonial history 34. Space exploration - Space agencies, Astronauts, Space missions 35. Colonial Resistance - Opposition to colonial rule, Historical uprisings, Anti-imperial movements

36. Inclusivity - Diversity, Equality, Social inclusion 37. Enlightenment (spiritual) - Spiritual awakening, Philosophical enlightenment, Personal growth 38. Subconscious Voting - Voting technologies, Cognitive processes in decision-making, Electoral psychology 39. Ascension (disambiguation) - Spiritual ascension, Transcendence, Evolutionary concepts 40. Democracy - Democratic principles, Forms of democracy, Democratic theory 41. Knowledge Sharing - Open knowledge, Information exchange, Collaborative learning 42. Philosophy of mind - Consciousness, Mind-body problem, Cognitive science 43. Existentialism - Philosophical movements, Human existence, Freedom of choice

44. Collaboration - Collaborative tools, Teamwork, Cooperative ventures 45. Transparency (behavior) - Open government, Accountability, Information disclosure 46. Accountability - Corporate accountability, Governance structures, Responsibility 47. Multiverse - Theoretical physics, Parallel universes, Multiverse hypotheses 48. Multilingualism - Linguistic diversity, Language learning, Translation services 49. Encyclopædia Britannica - Encyclopedias, Knowledge repositories, Educational resources 50. Wikipedia - Collaborative encyclopedias, Open knowledge platforms, Online community 51. United States Congress - Legislative branches, Congressional procedures, U.S. government structure 52. Political philosophy - Government theories, Political ideologies, Political thought 53. Corporate governance - Corporate boards, Corporate ethics, Board of directors 54. Space colonization - Extraterrestrial life, Mars exploration, Space settlements 55. Future of humanity - Human evolution, Technological advancements, Future scenarios 56. Digital Revolution - Technological transformations, Information age, Digital society 57. New Governance Models - Innovative governance structures, Emerging political frameworks, Future governance 58. Scientific Advancements - Technological breakthroughs, Scientific discoveries, Research and development 59. Ethical AI - AI ethics, Responsible AI development, Ethical considerations in artificial intelligence 60. Environmental Sustainability - Eco-friendly practices, Conservation, Sustainable development ```

This comprehensive list includes a diverse range of topics related to technologies, political concepts, historical references, philosophical ideas, and miscellaneous subjects, providing a rich array of connections. Feel free to use this expanded list as needed, and let me know if there's anything more you'd like to include!



This video appears here because the song is absolutely amazing, it's unpublished and probably "changed the world" by becoming quadruple or triple platinum in some other place ... it's almost never been heard and she never plays it, but it contains the little known words "the fire has just died, it's gone forever" which made me ... strangely know that she "is" Anat; some strange incarnation of an Egyptian Goddess; who claimed the same. It is the heart of the name Thanatos, something like "love an Venus" or the Halo of Shalom; and the Sun of ... a great sign appeared in the heavens

  • In the Greek language, Abaddon is known as Ἀπολλύων (Apollyon). It is a name that appears in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 9:11) and is often translated as “Destroyer”. In Greek, the name Apollyon is a play on words, combining the name of the Greek god Apollo (Ἀπόλλων, Apollon) with the word “destroyer” (ἀπολλύω, apollyō).
  • Vishnu (/ˈvɪʃnuː/ VISH-noo; Sanskrit: विष्णु, lit. 'The Pervader', IAST: Viṣṇu, pronounced [ʋɪʂɳʊ]), also known as Narayana and Hari, is one of the principal deities of Hinduism. He is the supreme being within Vaishnavism, one of the major traditions within contemporary Hinduism. Vishnu is known as The Preserver within the Trimurti, the triple deity of supreme divinity that includes Brahma and Shiva. In Vaishnavism, Vishnu is the supreme being who creates, protects, and transforms the universe. In the Shaktism tradition, the Goddess, or Adi Shakti, is described as the supreme Para Brahman, yet Vishnu is revered along with Shiva and Brahma. Tridevi is stated to be the energy and creative power (Shakti) of each, with Lakshmi being the equal complementary partner of Vishnu. He is one of the five equivalent deities in Panchayatana puja of the Smarta tradition of Hinduism.
  • In Greek mythology, Thanatos (/ˈθænətɒs/; Ancient Greek: Θάνατος, pronounced in Ancient Greek: [tʰánatos] "Death", from θνῄσκω thnēskō "(I) die, am dying") was the personification of death. He was a minor figure in Greek mythology, often referred to but rarely appearing in person. His name is transliterated in Latin as Thanatus, but his counterpart in Roman mythology is Mors or Letum.[citation needed]Shiva (Hebrew: שִׁבְעָה‎, romanized: šīvʿā, lit. 'seven') is the week-long mourning period in Judaism for first-degree relatives. The ritual is referred to as "sitting shiva" in English. The shiva period lasts for seven days following the burial. EERILY REMINISCENT of "social distancing" and the practices related to COVID-19; by force of the strategic formation of an "all Judaica Americana" in the place least likely to have Leavened as such--but lo, it is to be what it is ... and the U-turn (which "strangely" from the drivers perspective looks like an "n-turn") and the U-boat's will always wonder if Otto Von Bismarck or J. Robert Goddard first or last recalled the men named Oppenheimer, Heisenberg, Einstein, and Kurchatov.
    • Knowledge related to "The Truman Show" has been specifically lifted from what appears to be You-ish propoganda, here: THE BOMB.

On "Anat" and Thanatos ... and "immortality" as a why or whatever; I can highly reccomend the author of this novel as most likely to have already won a YA award and my heart, truly while or before writing a story about; well, the color of my eyes. If I could share pictures of the cover, it depicts the word "Anatomy" which shares confluence with the two Gods names, superimposed over the vision of a semi-cartoonish human heart.

On Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 4:10 PM Adam Marshall Dobrin <> wrote:
Please read below, I need help dealing with getting access to the fall semester as well as financial aid and dealing with AZ DES "vocational rehabilitation" anything you can do to help would be appreciated.

On Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 11:50 AM Adam Marshall Dobrin <> wrote:
Please make this happen for me I am definitely not asking for too much All I'm doing is standing here telling you that if you can't do this here ...

We needed a better plan than Jesus Christ standing alone with absolutely nothing else behind religion or the creation of history and that is what you are getting you are getting absolutely nothing else standing with me if you cannot accomplish this

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Adam Marshall Dobrin <>
Date: Wed, Jul 24, 2024, 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: Vocational Rehabilitation Appointment L1LEY XCOMM DSC NSC chatter on the "staring at Melbourne and V on freevee ..." Starting to say favourite and colour of authority; and above all, fixing this bloody mess.
To: Adam Dobrin <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
Cc: Jackson, Linda F <>, Holman, Ruth A <>

I need George to remember the Manhattan clam chowder we used to get on the way to Naples every time we went to Sicily, I mean Venice I mean the heart of heaven. 

Call the Fleur de Galilee, "I've read what you are capable of ..." 

You do not need me to remind you that you should be refreshing yourselves about every movie Sandra Bullock has ever starred in, before we lose Hollywood stars, let alone Hollywood Squares--Pan's Labyrinth or any way to ever exit to reality out of the hell you should know is start@rus. 


Ps I need a very pretty girlfriend, and I need some really good teachers teaching marine biology astrobiology and something like how to get back to basics and learn how to program Oculus rift inside Sandia Albuquerque deseret Diablo. 

Or something like that. I mean it's really simple to me I understand what it's like to read about a sec compiler that has become echelons more in developed and intricate and powerful by recompiling itself in itself and comparing it to the plot line of the movie Transcendence, I understand what it's like to have tools and technology that allow us to develop virtual reality inside virtual reality and I do not see it anywhere I see a problem 

The problem is something is making you retarded, it is keeping you from moving forward with government with technology with any kind of progress. ...

If I tell you I can see clearly it is the covenant, Disney ark of the covenant it is literally a Giants glowing dumbo elephant flying through the sky wondering why you don't understand that a two party system is just as bad as a central party and the opposition 

If you started calling Republicans the opposition in America we would literally start calling you treasonous disgusting on American s***

Do you understand 

Gs: I need the federal vocational rehabilitation system and program to work as the TWC described it to me as it was designed to work, I needed to work as the United States army in Navarre at twelve Oaks who presented it to me told me it would work, I needed to get education back on track I need us to have an American education system that is top of the line Best in the world as if Munich and St Petersburg and Cambridge are literally in every town 

I need University boulevard to come back I did not need a war everywhere I look

Change America. 

I am specifically asking you to try and find a group of people who are willing to do this for me, I am very willing to entertain being educated in Galveston or El Paso; I have also been in contact with the Florida d o e and it is no mistake it is no mistake that Florida's Department of education rings of Manhattan project, and what this is; we have Rangers here too, and our plans to succeed from the Union are just as concrete and have come to just as much fruition as the plans in Texas. 

I have a copy of my direct contacts here in Florida and at the TWC so you can talk amongst yourselves about producing what you were promised, what you said you had what I needed ... A people that are not incapable of educating themselves safely and happily ... Hey people that are not incapable of being smarter than me 

Please learn how to teach me to figure out how to get out of this mess. 

Arizona's comparative is called the Department of employment security I am unable to get an email address out of them, that is a significant degradation I have called them I have emailed them I have faxed them I have spoken directly to them it is a significant degradation that I am unable to get an email address out of the vocational rehabilitation division at the f****** Arizona Department of employment security 

Havasu is my preferred destination 

On Sun, Mar 17, 2024, 7:46 PM Adam Dobrin <> wrote:
Hello I've attached some images of new songs that I've seen in between the time that I visited corpus Christi Texas and came back to Florida. 

Texas was unable to substantially create a vocational rehabilitation program for me via both the Florida Department of education and the Texas workforce commission there is a federal grant for people that are disabled under the Americans with disabilities act the ADA and social security administration guidelines to receive special funding to return to work. 

I am no longer in Pensacola could you please reopen my file in the Florida Department of education and assume that I would most likely go to school I have applied at the new college in Bradenton and I have already been accepted at Florida Atlantic University so I'm not sure if it would be that county or discounty most likely Bradenton though

I do think that's treasure county or a treasure Island area. 

On Mon, Jan 22, 2024, 5:54 PM Jackson, Linda F <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Dobrin,


This is to acknowledge receipt of your referral.  We are glad that you are interested in learning how Vocational Rehabilitation might help you become successfully employed.


You have been scheduled for an orientation to give you a general overview of the Vocational Rehabilitation program, including needed documents, timelines, and responsibilities. At the end of orientation, if you are still interested in moving forward with our program, you will be given an appointment to meet with a counselor and complete the intake/application process.


The date and time of the orientation is: Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.. If you are unable to make it to this meeting or if you need an individual one-on-one appointment for your orientation, please call me in advance (850) 494-7200 to reschedule or arrange accommodations.


We look forward to helping you with your employment goal!





Linda F. Jackson

Secretary Specialist

FL Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

600 University Office Boulevard, Building 2

Pensacola, FL 32504

Phone: 850-494-7200

Fax: 850-494-7227

Email: <>


This email may include information that is confidential and exempt from disclosure pursuant to section 413.341, Florida Statutes. Any person who discloses or releases such records, information, or communications in violation of section 413.341 commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, Florida Statutes. If you have received this email in error, notify the sender immediately and delete the email and all attachments.


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