Hello Venusians!
1. VEXAG seeking new Steering Committee members
2. VEXAG seeking new Scribe
3. Minutes from the October 2nd VEXAG Steering Committee meeting
VEXAG seeking new Steering Committee members
The VEXAG steering committee is composed of 14-20 volunteer community members (depending on year and workload) plus Chair and Deputy Chair along with the Prior Chair. This small group seeks to be representative of the full spectrum of the Venus community. Applicants are required to send a current CV, and short ~1-page statement of interest, goals, and experience to the Steering Committee (e-mailed to Chair). Nominees may select a preferred Jan or July start time and that will be taken into consideration. Review and voting on new SC members takes place in the December SC meeting. More information can be found at the following link:
VEXAG seeking new Scribe
The Scribe is a non-voting (and generally non-participating) note-taker for monthly VEXAG Steering Committee meetings, and also the annual meeting and town halls as needed. VEXAG is looking for a new Scribe to start after the annual meeting on October 30-31. Please nominate yourself by contacting the VEXAG Chair at Noam.I...@jhuapl.edu to express your interest.
Minutes from the October 2nd VEXAG Steering Committee meeting
October 2, 2023 VEXAG SC meeting
• Technology needs. Review of recent meeting with PESTO rep, to discuss upcoming presentation at VEXAG and what PESTO would like from the VEXAG Steering Committee.
- PESTO would like inputs from VEXAG regarding technology needs.
- A request to the community was made that the recognized gaps in technology be brought to attention
- Technology Gaps will be presented at the 2023 VEXAG meeting, with community feedback solicited by December
• Upcoming Venus meeting: VEXAG SC meeting at end of October, 2023
- VEXAG SC representation at GSA, LPI and AGU (2-4 SC members at each)
- VEXAG Meeting outreach at ABQ schools planned for day after VEXAG meeting.
- Final planning in coming weeks
• Upcoming VEXAG SC meeting has 19 Student/EC applications for travel funding, which is more than double last year.
- Available funds allowed 12 applications to be accepted.
• Request for five new VEXAG SC members in 2024. 2 or 3 to start in January, 3 or 2 to start in July 2024. Applications due around November 15. Application reviews in early December will follow selection criteria (website update coming soon)
• Webpages- early career and resources uploaded, brought up to date and running
Additional VEXAG 2023 Meeting info:
· VEXAG SC SAW updates: Request that each SAW lead submit one slide summary of activities and be ready to present at VEXAG
· VEXAG meeting will kick off semi-decadal update of Venus Strategic Documents (GIO, Roadmap, Tech Plan, targeting completion by end of summer, 2024
· Draft Venus Exploration Strategy will be released and discussed with the community, targeting completion by LPSC
· Request for volunteers to help at speed networking
· Day 2 of meeting is Halloween. Costumes/Halloween bling encouraged!