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Venus Listserve News 0323-3 supplement

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Johnson, Natasha M. (GSFC-6910)

Mar 22, 2023, 1:11:21 PM3/22/23

Hello Everyone, 

Great to see so many people at LPSC this month but the month is not yet over.  


  1. NASA Budget Town Hall: Tomorrow, March 23
  2. The Planetary Society petition for VERITAS
  3. 21st VEXAG Meeting location/date confirmed; Oct 30-31, 2023 in Albuquerque



Science Mission Directorate Budget Community Town Hall March 23

Date: March 23, 2023

Time: 10:30 am – 11:30 am Eastern Time

Location: WebEx


NASA’s Science Mission Directorate will hold a community town hall meeting focused on the FY24 budget with Associate Administrator for Science Nicky Fox and her leadership team at 10:30 a.m. Eastern on Thursday, March 23. Participants are invited to submit their questions below and/or vote up questions already posted. Members of SMD, the science community, academia, the media, and the public are invited to participate by joining the WebEx at:


If prompted, please use event number 2763 004 7071, followed by event password drKUTwB*293 (37588920 from phones). 


Participants are invited to submit their questions and/or vote up questions already posted at!/dashboard

Please note that there are several Venus related questions on the dashboard – submit additional questions or support those already posted.


Users must provide their first and last name and organization and can submit their own questions or vote up questions submitted by others. The meeting leaders will try to answer as many of the submitted questions as possible.


Presentation materials will be available for download and a recording will be available later that day at:


If you are unable to join the WebEx, we will be live streaming the town hall to YouTube at  


Kirsten Petree



The Planetary Society Petition for VERITAS

NASA selected VERITAS in June 2021 and put the mission on hold this past November despite it being on time and on budget. Its development budget has been zeroed for the next five years (with only a small amount for the science team), and VERITAS scheduled to launch “no earlier than 2031”. This action sets a scary precedent for the NASA mission selection process that threatens the integrity of the Decadal prioritization process and all current and future mission competitions.


The Planetary Society plans to petition Congress to stipulate a 2029 launch date for VERITAS. The Advocacy Action Center at the Planetary Society has created an on-line petition to request that the upcoming 2023 NASA Authorization establish a firm launch date of no later than 2029 for VERITAS, in accordance with National Academies' decadal priorities and a reasonable accommodation for the delays imposed on the project by NASA.


To support this petition, please click here to see (and sign) the petition to our elected officials. Please share this with any U.S. friends and family you may have!



2023 VEXAG Meeting

The 21st VEXAG Meeting will be October 30 and 31, 2023, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. The 2023 VEXAG meeting will be held in coordination with the third LPI Venus Initiative meeting “Venus as a System”, which will take place immediately following (November 1-3, 2023) at the same venue. More details on both meetings coming soon.


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