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Venus Listserve 0324-02

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Buczkowski, Debra L.

Mar 12, 2024, 1:12:16 PM3/12/24

Hello Venusians! 


This is just a reminder of all the amazing Venus events happening at this year’s LPSC (now with links, for those who can’t be at LPSC in person)!


  1. VEXAG Mentorship Event at LPSC on March 12th
  2. Link to VEXAG Town Hall at LPSC on March 13th
  3. Link to VEXAG Strategic Document meeting at LPSC on March 14th
  4. VEXAG Mixer at LPSC on March 14th
  5. Four Venus sessions!!



VEXAG Mentorship Event


The VEXAG Mentorship Science Activity Workgroup (SAW 16) and OVEN (Organization of Venus Early-career Networking) have organized a mentorship event to take place TONIGHT Tuesday (3/12) at LPSC from 4 to 5 pm in the Creekside Park Room at the Marriot. The goal of the event is to pair early-career Venus researchers with mid- or senior-level researchers with similar interests in hopes that helpful advice can be given and received and to facilitate networking and future collaborations. We will ask that each pair answer some icebreaker questions before getting dinner and visiting the poster session that evening.


If you are interested in being a mentor or mentee, please complete this google form. Kelsey Crane (SAW 16 Lead) and Sara Port (OVEN Lead) will introduce mentors and mentees over email in the days leading up to the event.




VEXAG Town Hall


The Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) will have a Town Hall at LPSC on Wednesday March 13th in The Woodlands room from 12-1pm.  Anyone interested in Venus exploration and science is welcome to attend!  If you are not at LPSC in person this year, you can still attend the Town Hall at the Zoom link below.


Join Zoom Meeting



VEXAG Strategy Document Meeting


The Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) will reveal their updated Strategy Document at LPSC on Thursday March 14th in The Woodlands room from 12-1pm.  Anyone interested in learning about VEXAG’s goals and strategy for future Venus exploration and the acquisition/analysis of Venus science is welcome to attend!  If you are not at LPSC in person this year, you can still attend the Town Hall at the Zoom link below.


Join Zoom Meeting







Come mingle with other Venus fans at our VEXAG Mixer from 5-7pm on Thursday March 14th on the Patio (rain location: Aqua Lounge).  Venus posters can be visited in the poster session directly after.  Hope to see you there! 




Four Venus sessions at LPSC


Make sure to attend all of our wonderful Venus sessions!


Venus Surface: Is It Hot in Here or Is It Just Me? Wednesday March 13 at 2:15 pm in the Montgomery Ballroom

Venus Geology, Geophysics and Atmosphere Wednesday March 13 at 6:30 pm, Virtual Poster Session

Venus Tectonics to Atmosphere: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Pressure Thursday March 14 at 2:15 pm in the Montgomery Ballroom

Venus Geology, Geophysics and Atmosphere Thursday March 14 at 2:15 pm in the Town Center Exhibit Hall


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