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Andrea Del Valle-Arts

Aug 9, 2021, 10:23:49 PM8/9/21
Hi all!
Hope you enjoyed your summer! I wanted to give you a brief update and see if you are available for help. We have an all new office staff at Pioneer and a new teacher per grade level except for kinder, that is HUGE! I've never seen so many new staff members in a school year! With that being said, we might need to offer a little more help to not only the new staff but also parents with questions. I have the following in mind:
  • August 13 3-4pm Kindergarten School tours
    • let me know if you are available to help (I am not)
  • August 17 2:50-3:50 Supply drop off
    • Martha and I will share this afternoon
    • KONA ICE will also be here starting at 3:30 for a social hour fundraiser
  • September 1 5-7pm Back-to-School night (start 4:40-5 then possibly in between and after)
    • we can take shifts here, most important at the beginning
  • September 10 5-6pm Back-to-school picnic
    • any ideas for this? Food truck? This is Anabel's chance to meet more families and for families to get to know other families from your child's class
For these events I will be creating information to share on how to stay connected, ways to get involved, selling Pioneer magnets and any other information school would like me to share. I will have everything prepared, I just need volunteers! I will also reach out to current PTA members with these volunteer opportunities but would love an officer as well if possible. PLEASE let me know if you can help! Please also let me know if you need volunteers for something!

August 17th- I am considering holding a meeting of current PTA members/officers to review and approve the PTA budget. My reasoning is we cannot spend money until we have approved the budget, We normally do this at our 1st general meeting of the year but that is also our most well attended meeting and once we go over the budget, those people never return! So, please let me know if you are available, we will need a quorem (minimum 10).

Please let me know the following:
1- Can you volunteer for any of the above events?
2- Can you meet August 17th for a quick budget review/approval?
3- Do you have any ideas/questions/concerns?

Thank you all! Hope to see you all soon!
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