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Seeking your help: farmers to participate in Chesapeake Bay area focus groups ($90 gift card)

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Nicole Williams

Dec 13, 2024, 2:03:22 PM12/13/24
to Pasa Community Board
Hello Pasa Community,

I work for a consulting company called ERG. We are assisting EPA's Chesapeake Bay Program Office to better understand and quantify how Bay watershed restoration efforts benefit communities in the watershed—particularly overburdened and underserved communities.

If you know people in the Chesapeake Bay area (see specific locations here), I would love your help by sharing this email with people who might be willing to participate in household and farmer focus groups. Recruitment is happening now for sessions to take place in January 2025. Every participant will receive a $90 gift card.

Please email if you have any questions.

With gratitude,
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