[Shared on behalf of Kristin Markley, PA Preferred Organic Program Manager]
Pennsylvania is a leader in the nation in organic production and sales. Hear directly
from PA farmers about their journey through USDA organic certification, mitigating loss
during the transition, and strategies for sustaining long-term success. Following the
panel, there will be a networking session to get to know organic agriculture leaders in
the state. We will exchange ideas for supporting farms and a strong organic supply
chain in the Commonwealth. Light refreshments will be provided.
When: Friday, January 10th, 1 pm – 4 pm
Where: The Delaware Room at the Keystone Conference Center (KCC) located at
the PA Farm Show Complex, 2300 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA
Free of charge
• Terra Brownback, Spiral Path Farm
• Hanna Mosca, Garden Dreams Greenhouse & Farm, Grow Pittsburgh
• David Martin, Organic Valley Dairy Producer
• Dave Marshall, Marshall Farms LLC
Note: The KCC can be accessed by going through the Maclay Street entrance and up to
the 2nd floor. If you are already in the Farm Show Complex, the Maclay Street lobby is
behind the Butter Sculpture.After the panel, we will break down into smaller groups to network. Participants will have the opportunity to rotate to different groups based on the following topics:
* Transition assistance
* Demystifying/ Navigating Certification
* Business planning
* Regulatory piece that ties in with Strengthening Organic Enforcement
* Farmer to farmer
Folks can use the attached flyer for additional details and to RSVP. It is free of charge.
Thank you and Happy New Year!
Kristen Markley | PA Preferred Organic Program Manager
Pronouns: she/her
PA Department of Agriculture | Bureau of Market Development
2301 North Cameron Street|Harrisburg PA 17110
717.787.6006 | Mobile: