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Farm equipment for sale from small regenerative farming operation in Centreville MD

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Jennifer Klug Vaccaro

Dec 16, 2024, 10:21:15 AM12/16/24
to Pasa Community Board
We have closed our small regenerative farming operation and have the following equipment available for sale:

20x36' Poly-tex Mobile Range Coop: This is a game-changer for raising broilers on pasture!  Comes with a 135 gallon water tank on trailer and gravity-fed bell-drinker watering system.  $7,500

10x18' Mobile Layer Coop: on hay wagon running gear.  Includes 2 XL Hen Gear roll-out nest boxes with perch popper systems and automatic hen door.  Well ventilated, with six tilt-up polycarbonate windows and hardware cloth screening.  Accommodates 200 hens (more if you add additional nest boxes.)  Built new in 2023 with powder-coated steel roofing and siding. $5,000

Tomato Trellis Kits: (8' t-posts, 10' galvanized conduit, PVC couplers) These do a great job holding tomato or cucumber vines.  Easy tie up and removal, easy to prune vines and harvest the fruit.  Each kit will make a 50' row (6 kits available.) $75 each

Jang JP-5 seeder: 5-row speed-seeder WITH assorted rollers for sale.  Great condition!

To view photos of the items above and a list of other assorted items available, please visit our website:

Jennifer Vaccaro
Where Pigs Fly Farm
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