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Free Okara (high protein soy residue) for animal feed

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Buy Fresh Buy Local

Dec 17, 2024, 1:37:01 PM12/17/24
to Pasa Community Board
Fresh Tofu, a producer in Allentown is looking for a local farmer or two who might like some of their tofu by-product, okara (high protein soy residue), as supplemental feed for their livestock.
They end up with 25-50 barrels a week depending on production levels. They are storing them in the 55-gallon drums. They cover the drums with plastic bags to seal them while storing. They have a loading dock, standard height. And a dock plate and a drum/hand truck on site that can be used to load the barrels.
Their previous arrangements have been that whoever is picking it up, loads their own truck. They ask that they come once a week and later in the day Thursday works best. That way they have all of the days production completed, and you can get all that they have. They ask for the drums back, preferably hosed out. Not scrubbed clean, just rinsed. And next week they’ll have full ones again. They aren’t asking for any money, they need to get rid of the stuff and rather than waste it, they'd like to see it get used by someone.

If you are interested contact: Andrew Barone at 484-547-8811

Global Women's Strike/Phila

Dec 17, 2024, 4:55:38 PM12/17/24
to Buy Fresh Buy Local, Pasa Community Board

Generous offer.  But unless organic, seems likely also to be high glyphosate.  Dn

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Lisa Van Houten

Dec 17, 2024, 5:20:41 PM12/17/24
to Global Women's Strike/Phila, Buy Fresh Buy Local, Pasa Community Board
If high in glyphosate it would not be used in tofu production for human consumption. I would be more interested in a “feed analysis” of the by-product or something similar to


Lisa Van Houten
Marketing Strategist

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Global Women's Strike/Phila

Dec 18, 2024, 9:45:19 AM12/18/24
to Lisa Van Houten, Global Women's Strike/Phila, Buy Fresh Buy Local, Pasa Community Board

I won’t belabor the point.  Folks can decide for themselves how it is that so many foods are

contaminated with glyphosate, particularly those made from grains and legumes, including

non-GMO ones, in light of the not uncommon practice of applying glyphosate as a desiccant

right before harvest.


But I’m replying mainly to clarify that the comment below and here is from me, Dean Kendall,

individually, not from GWS/Philly, who I work with, including by monitoring and forwarding

emails sent to them.  I simply forgot where I was, in their account.  I had in mind that I was in

my personal account, the reason I didn’t bother to sign the comment.


Dean Kendall


From: <> On Behalf Of Lisa Van Houten
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2024 5:20 PM
To: Global Women's Strike/Phila <>
Cc: Buy Fresh Buy Local <>; Pasa Community Board <>
Subject: Re: [Pasa Community] Free Okara (high protein soy residue) for animal feed


If high in glyphosate it would not be used in tofu production for human consumption. I would be more interested in a “feed analysis” of the by-product or something similar to



Lisa Van Houten
Marketing Strategist


Buy Fresh Buy Local

Dec 18, 2024, 9:59:50 AM12/18/24
to Pasa Community Board, Global Women's Strike/Phila, Buy Fresh Buy Local
This is an organic tofu producer. My apologies, I should have stated that. 
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