I am trying to call deserialize on a previously serialized cyphertext and I am getting some error on that:
Ciphertext<Poly> ciphertext;
std::istrstream intext(text);
Serial::Deserialize(ciphertext, intext);
Eventually inside Derserialize, it does the following (which looks strange)
* Deserialize an object; uses the default serialization of BINARY
* @param obj - object to deserialize into
* @param stream - Stream to deserialize from
template<typename T>
inline static void
Deserialize(T& t, std::istream& stream) {
extern void Serialize(decltype(t), std::ostream&, const SerType::SERBINARY&);
Serialize(t, stream, SerType::BINARY);
Any help or sample code to serialize and deserialize from String would help.