CKKS error

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Nils Schlüter

Nov 20, 2020, 4:17:19 AM11/20/20
to PALISADE Announcements
Hi everyone,

I want to use CKKS in Palisade with a user-defined ring dimension (in order to speed up the computations a bit). To this end, I use the LWE estimator ( to find parameters that guarantee a security of around 2^80. However, in contrast to BFV/BGV Palisade seem to have no error parameter in the cryptocontext for the underlying RLWE problem in case of the CKKS scheme. Unfortunately, this parameter is necessary for a proper security estimation. 

Does anyone know how this error parameter can be accessed in CKKS or how it is chosen?

Hope this is the right place to ask this question. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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