Transition your committee charter to the latest committee policy

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Andrew van der Stock

Nov 30, 2020, 5:36:15 PM11/30/20
to, OWASP Chapter Committee, WIA Committee, OWASP Outreach Committee, OWASP Governance - Compliance / Whistleblower Committee, Global-board, OWASP Staff
Hi there,

As committees have evolved over the years, with various committees are operating under different auspices, I'd like to make sure that every committee is treated exactly the same.

This is important, as we need transparency and accountability for everything we do. Committees 2.0 didn't give committees a great deal of power or even access to expenses, but the new committee's policy does, so the new policy requires the Board to re-approve your scope and charter.

It would be a good time to think about how things are going now that you've met a few times, and consider what it is that you want to do, and tighten up your scope so that you can be more effective by concentrating efforts on a smaller number of important things.

I've included here a template charter for you to copy and edit. It's already longer than it should be. For some, like the Education or Chapters Committee, this is a simple process, as they were formulated under very similar rules as the new committee policy. For others, who have existed for a long time, like the compliance committee (who have various exceptions in the policy), or WIA, this could take some writing.

Please make a copy and start editing yours. I would suggest bringing this to your next committee meeting and editing it together so that the entire group feels listened to and has a say in what you intend to do.

I have some special requests:

  • For the Chapter Committee, I'd really like it if you could become the Committee for Chapters and Membership. Your current staff liaison is the current Membership and Chapters Manager, so it makes sense to include membership in your committee as there's so much overlap, rather than create yet another committee.
  • For the WIA, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee, I'd like it if you could make it official in your charter, so that we can ensure that your purpose and scope is well defined, and not just a name change.
  • For the Compliance Committee, the policy has many exceptions for you, and I know Bil has reviewed them. Your scope can be very small, probably preferable to refer to the bylaws or policy rather than try to redefine the scope here. This will make your charter much simpler and very small. If you need help in recruiting more leadership, let me know and I will reach out to some solid candidates for you to review and bring in.

If anyone wants to make time with me to go over this, please do:

We could just edit it together, it will take around 30-45 minutes to do if your committee agrees on your purpose and scope already.

I'd like to have all committees transitioned by the end of the year, or at the January Board meeting at the latest if you meet later this month.

Andrew van der Stock
Executive Director, OWASP

OWASP Top 10 and OWASP Application Security Verification Standard co-lead

Martin Knobloch

Dec 2, 2020, 10:58:11 AM12/2/20
to Andrew van der Stock, Global-board


I do not agree, as the Whistle-blower /compliance committee is something different. Maybe the name should be changed with the new impulse on committees. 
An ombudsman committee, with a lighter requirement and lower bar would be nice, as many people hesitate to call for a compliance case. 


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Andrew van der Stock

Dec 14, 2020, 1:20:01 PM12/14/20
to, OWASP Chapter Committee, WIA Committee, OWASP Outreach Committee, OWASP Governance - Compliance / Whistleblower Committee, Global-board, OWASP Staff
Hi Committees,

If you have an updated charter available that you would like the Board to review and approve tomorrow, please send them through to me today so I can get them on tomorrow's Board meeting. If I already have it, as I know several of you have sent me shared docs already, please let me know if it's final so I can simply link to it for the Board.


Andrew van der Stock

Dec 15, 2020, 11:15:26 AM12/15/20
to, OWASP Chapter Committee, WIA Committee, OWASP Outreach Committee, OWASP Governance - Compliance / Whistleblower Committee, Global-board, OWASP Staff
Many apologies for such short notice, but Martin correctly noted that for a charter to be approved requires at least one person from the relevant committee to attend.

I hope that some of you are in a position to come to today's Board meeting in about 50 minutes. The business is very light at this meeting, and if you have a completed charter and can attend the Board meeting, I'm sure there will be time for the Board to review your charter with you and hopefully vote on it, or more likely a short offline review and week-long e-vote over the next week or so.

As I've mentioned before, the main reason for trying to get it done this year is to enter 2021 with a clean slate, but also finance reform. The now delayed finance reform is likely to be presented to the Board at the end of January, so not having your charter finalized now is not a big deal, but I would encourage you all to have finalized your charter and plan to attend the January board meeting to support your charter.


On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 3:35 PM Andrew van der Stock <> wrote:

Andrew van der Stock

Dec 15, 2020, 1:08:25 PM12/15/20
to, OWASP Chapter Committee, WIA Committee, OWASP Outreach Committee, OWASP Governance - Compliance / Whistleblower Committee, Global-board, OWASP Staff
Thank you to the Education Committee for coming today. Their charter was approved. Well done!

I will work with each of the other committees to get your charters on the January agenda and make sure you have the invite to the meeting.


Sherif Mansour

Dec 15, 2020, 4:26:20 PM12/15/20
to Andrew van der Stock, Global-board, OWASP Chapter Committee, OWASP Governance - Compliance / Whistleblower Committee, OWASP Outreach Committee, OWASP Staff, WIA Committee,
The updated education committee charter was approved.

Looking forward to the other committees.

 One thing that would help is to think about the user journeys to ensure that OWASP foundation staff processes are updated. @Grant has done some workflow examples for the education committee that might be helpful for others.


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