e-Vote Requested: Re-admitting Christian Heinrich

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Andrew van der Stock

Jul 17, 2020, 3:41:28 PM7/17/20
to Global-board
Here are the Doodles for an e-vote on re-admitting Christian Heinrich. The text of the motion is in the Doodle.

First Motion to amend bylaws to ensure all re-admittances will be treated the same as Christian:

The second motion is to re-admit Christian:

If the first motion passes, it will require 5 yay votes for the second motion to pass, and as such I will keep the second poll open until all of the Board have voted, especially as it's late for Vandana and the weekend for everyone.

To be valid, someone will need to sponsor each motion, and someone will to second each motion. Please indicate this in this thread for posterity.


Grant Ongers (OWASP)

Jul 17, 2020, 3:55:43 PM7/17/20
to Andrew van der Stock, Global-board
Voted on both.

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GnuPG: F164 738F 16BF FDBF F0B6 5720 C986 8AF7 5F41 97BE
Member at Large, Global Board of Directors

Martin Knobloch

Jul 17, 2020, 4:26:45 PM7/17/20
to Andrew van der Stock, Global-board
Happy to be sponsor of both


Sherif Mansour

Jul 17, 2020, 4:40:36 PM7/17/20
to Martin Knobloch, Andrew van der Stock, Global-board
voted on both

Sherif Mansour
OWASP Global Board Member & OWASP London Chapter Leader 
Site: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/London
Email: sherif....@owasp.org Follow OWASP London Chapter on Twitter: @owasplondon "Like" us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OWASPLondon Subscribe to our (lightweight) mailing list: https://lists.owasp.org/mailman/listinfo/owasp-london

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Sherif Mansour

Jul 17, 2020, 4:41:50 PM7/17/20
to Martin Knobloch, Andrew van der Stock, Global-board
@Andrew van der Stock For a sanity check did you document who championed both motions from the BoD and who seconded?

Andrew van der Stock

Jul 17, 2020, 4:58:45 PM7/17/20
to Sherif Mansour, Martin Knobloch, Global-board
Martin has agreed to sponsor (see above). I still need a second documented in this thread.


Grant Ongers (OWASP)

Jul 17, 2020, 5:00:21 PM7/17/20
to Andrew van der Stock, Sherif Mansour, Martin Knobloch, Global-board

Sherif Mansour

Jul 17, 2020, 5:00:42 PM7/17/20
to Andrew van der Stock, Global-board, Martin Knobloch
I’ll second if that’s the case

Andrew van der Stock

Jul 17, 2020, 5:05:29 PM7/17/20
to Sherif Mansour, Global-board, Martin Knobloch
Thank you. For the record, the first motion to amend the bylaws has passed. therefore the second motion will require a fifth affirmative vote to pass.

Action arising from the first vote: Executive Director to update the OWASP bylaws on the OWASP.org website by the Board meeting on the 28th of July for Board review.


Sherif Mansour

Jul 17, 2020, 5:13:44 PM7/17/20
to Andrew van der Stock, Global-board, Martin Knobloch
Thanks Andrew 

Andrew van der Stock

Jul 20, 2020, 1:59:17 PM7/20/20
to Sherif Mansour, Richard Greenberg, Vandana Verma, Global-board, Martin Knobloch
With Gary's votes, the motion to permit Christian back to OWASP has passed by a 5/0 super-majority, as required by the previous vote.

@Martin Knobloch - as you had the contact with Christian, can you please give him the good news, and share this with Owen, Sherif, ad...@owasp.com so that we have a written record of this being announced. I'll forward onto Dawn so that he doesn't face any issues if he re-applies for membership.

@Richard Greenberg @Vandana Verma Can you please both both vote for posterity, even though both motions have passed, even if it's abstain.

I'll get this noted in the minutes for the prep meeting.


Vandana Verma

Jul 21, 2020, 3:37:52 PM7/21/20
to Andrew van der Stock, Sherif Mansour, Richard Greenberg, Global-board, Martin Knobloch
Hi Andrew,

I support both the motions. You have my Yes on both

Thank You,
Vandana Verma
OWASP Global Board of Directors - Treasurer
OWASP Bangalore - Chapter Leader

Andrew van der Stock

Jul 31, 2020, 8:22:26 PM7/31/20
to Global-board, Vandana Verma, Sherif Mansour, Richard Greenberg, Global-board, Martin Knobloch, Andrew van der Stock

The update to our bylaws arising from the first vote has been published.

This meets the SLA to update the bylaws within 30 days of a Board vote that I've set in the upcoming policy on bylaw/policy update process outlined in the e-vote discussion on the Compliance Committee recommendations. 

It is my understanding that Martin has contacted Christian to inform him of the successful outcome of the second vote, and thus concludes both actions arising from this vote.


Owen Pendlebury

Aug 1, 2020, 1:36:00 PM8/1/20
to Andrew van der Stock, Global-board, Vandana Verma, Sherif Mansour, Richard Greenberg, Martin Knobloch
Thank you Andrew

Owen Pendlebury @pendo19
Chair OWASP Global Board of Directors
OWASP Ireland-Dublin https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Ireland-Dublin @AppSecIreland

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