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German OWASP Day - Volunteers Wanted!

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Jonas Becker

May 12, 2023, 1:44:42 AM5/12/23
to Germany chapter

Hi all,

We are looking for volunteers to help at the German OWASP Day on May 30th and May 31st. As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to be part of a fantastic event and help create an unforgettable experience for our attendees. As a thank you, a free ticket to the conference and the pre-event on May 31st is given to all volunteers. Following duties need to be done, where we would need support:

  • Packing bags with the takeaways for all attendees. (May 30th)
  • Receptionist to welcome attendees. (May 31st)
  • Support with AV during the conference. (May 31st)
  • Potentially support for the cloakroom. (May 31st)

If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know!

We're looking forward to your participation!

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