ESAPI on a <textarea> displaying XML

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Jeffrey Walton

Jul 29, 2023, 11:18:30 AM7/29/23
to ESAPI Project Users
Hi Everyone,

I'm having a tricky time with an XSS on a <Textarea> that is
displaying XML. The XML is a response from an async request.

I know we can't do something like:

<!-- response is XML -->
encoded = ESAPI.encoder().encodeForHTML(response);
<textarea name="RESPONSE_XML">${encoded}</textarea>

My question is, is output encoding an option? If so, where is the
opportunity to encode the output? If not, what control is available?


ESAPI Project Users

Jul 29, 2023, 1:13:02 PM7/29/23
to, ESAPI Project Users

Comments in-line.

On 7/29/2023 8:18 AM, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I'm having a tricky time with an XSS on a <Textarea> that is
displaying XML. The XML is a response from an async request.

I know we can't do something like:

   <!-- response is XML -->
    encoded = ESAPI.encoder().encodeForHTML(response);
    <textarea name="RESPONSE_XML">${encoded}</textarea>

You have to, otherwise how do you defend against [</textarea><script>alert(1);</script>]  ?

My question is, is output encoding an option? If so, where is the
opportunity to encode the output? If not, what control is available?

No, you're thinking correctly here.  Encode for HTML. 

This can get hairy--I once managed an application that used TinyMCE which is like embedding an HTML interpreter into the browser.  (Inception-like)

In THAT case we had to use an HTML Sanitizer since the use case was essentially User-input HTML. 


Kevin W. Wall

Jul 29, 2023, 2:58:02 PM7/29/23
to ESAPI Project Users,, ESAPI Project Users

I 100% agree with Matt about the 'encode for HTML' here. Also, before you use (and I would say, even before you display the XML in the <textarea>) I recommend that you first validate the XML using appropriate schema validation. Otherwise, your users may just copy/paste the XML displayed in the <textarea>, which might lead to problems downstream. If the XML is invalid / malformed and especially if it looks malicious (e.g., XXE, etc.), I wouldn't even display it in the <textarea>, but instead give some sort of suitable error message. (Of course, you hopefully have already done those things when you first collected the XML from the async response.)

See these two OWASP cheat sheets for details on that:


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ESAPI Project Users

Jul 29, 2023, 6:19:33 PM7/29/23
to Kevin W. Wall,, ESAPI Project Users

This might be pedantic for an experienced programmer as yourself Jeff, but the key for this is in understanding a bit more about the data flow. 

To simplify your life, I would suggest before submitting to the server you do something that will save you a rediculous amount of pain:

Base64 encode the entire payload of the <textarea> before submitting.  That way you just have a block of data back to the server. 

THEN you can decode safely at the server, without needing to worry about detangling the morass of "THIS part of the input was HTML encoded XML.  My guess is that you're rightly having a hard time "decoding" what is essentially double-encoded text, which might be part of why you're thinking you can't do it... because if you're using ESAPI for input validation, canonicalize will correctly throw an exception that you sent double-encoded data.  Be cognizant of the fact that when you "submit" the data that you're either submitting JSON, XML, or HTML and THAT is its own encoding layer all by itself.  If you can eliminate that variable you get rid of something that may massively complicate troubleshooting.

The algorithm is like this and assumes you program the full stack:

1.)  Base64 Encode the payload before submission.  The front end will marshall this as JSON/XML/HTML

2.)  At the server, ensure that the JSON/XML/HTML is unmarshalled, then base64 decode the textarea data.

3.)  Then validate the XML against the schema as Kevin suggested.  IIRC if using a SAX parser you pass it the schema on construction and you get validation for free. 

PITFALL:  Do not get the XML input as one big large String and then do an ESAPI input validation against that String.  You will have to do a sort of 'manual canonicalization' first.  Parse it into a POJO (or at least a map) and then iterate over the elements calling canonicalize over each element.  If not doing a schema validation you will have to consider validating each individual element for its own unique regex rules.  Yuck.  Avoid this.  This pitfall is major because this is another shade of the "DO NOT USE A SERVLET FILTER TO CATCH ALL XSS!  IT'S MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE!" 

ESAPI is not well-suited for specialized use cases like user-generated XML files.  It assumes small inputs like user form fields.  XML, user-generated HTML, and URLs are all complicated data types with their own BNF grammars, and as such should be validated using a parser and not a regex.  Hence why Kevin (and myself) are telling you to make use of the XML schema.  

ON THE WAY BACK TO THE USER:  Encode any data destined for the textarea block for HTML.  

Now you've covered both sides. 


Kevin W. Wall

Jul 29, 2023, 6:48:41 PM7/29/23
to ESAPI Project Users,, ESAPI Project Users
One thing to add though. Be careful about the details of doing that base64-decoding / unmarshaling, especially if you are turning it into POJOs via libraries such as FasterXML jackson-databind or similar. The reason is that Java deserialization attacks could creep in.

Jeff, since you're a crypto guy, I don't have to explain how to authenticate the data before any deserialization occurs. But for the rest of the people reading this thread, I'm referring to having the submitter sign the data payload and the recipient verifying its authenticity (and thereby considering it trusted) before deserializing it. There are other non-crypto ways to address this as well. E.g., see the OWASP Deserialization Cheat Sheet for details.


Jeffrey Walton

Aug 2, 2023, 12:44:34 PM8/2/23
to ESAPI Project Users, Jeffrey Walton
Thanks everyone.

We are making some progress on it.

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