API Categorization (suggestion)

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irvan hendrik

Feb 27, 2020, 4:24:28 AM2/27/20
to API Security Project
I have a suggestion for the OWASP top 10 API.
Is it possible to distinguish which of the top 10 that refer to host to host and which are client to host?
Because several of them might not relevant to host to host setup for the API.

Thank you.

Ozioma Aghamba

Feb 27, 2020, 8:28:13 AM2/27/20
to API Security Project
Hi Irvan,

I would like to know, from your experience, what differences between host-host and client-host API setups present unique considerations for API vulnerabilities.

Raphael Hagi

Feb 27, 2020, 8:44:00 AM2/27/20
to API Security Project

From my point of view, every call on my API is considered a client, doesn't matter what kind of it is. It's a kind of "zero trust" concept.

Paulo Silva

Feb 27, 2020, 9:39:44 AM2/27/20
to Raphael Hagi, API Security Project
The API security standards should be the same regardless of who the client is.
Even a trustworthy host (client) can get compromised at some point in
time, but this event should not compromise the API.

Sometimes it may seem overkill, especially if one of the clients runs
on the same host than the API server but exceptions to the API
workflows, especial authN and authZ, tend to lead to security

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Paulo Silva

OWASP API Security Project - Project Main Maintainer
OWASP Go Secure Coding Practices Guide - Project Co-Leader

Keith Casey

Feb 27, 2020, 9:52:55 AM2/27/20
to api-securi...@owasp.org

+1 to what Paulo and Raphael said.

To be concrete, in both the Target credit card hack and Marriott breach, attackers gained access to the underlying systems and became another "host" within the network. Therefore any client-host vs host-host distinction was irrelevant because the attackers were inside the perimeter.

Systems should not be trusted until they prove otherwise. And then only trusted to do exactly what they're allowed for that specific use case for a very specific window of time.

Zero trust is both a buzzword and a useful concept. ;) 

(There are dozens of other breaches that match this pattern, those are super easy to find details on.)

D. Keith Casey, Jr.

Check out my book "A Practical Approach to API Design"
and the API Developer Newsletter: http://bit.ly/apiWeekly

Ozioma Aghamba

Feb 27, 2020, 10:01:38 AM2/27/20
to API Security Project
Thanks for the clarification. I was of the opinion that except there are unique considerations that in the different setups that impacts security then it shouldn't matter but what do I know? Lol
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Paulo Silva

OWASP API Security Project - Project Main Maintainer
OWASP Go Secure Coding Practices Guide - Project Co-Leader

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Nathan Aw

Mar 1, 2020, 8:49:13 PM3/1/20
to Ozioma Aghamba, API Security Project
Think the differentiation might be potentially useful as there are obvious benefits to differentiating between client to host, host to host.

One such benefit is the different audience to which API security is targetting. Developers vs Infra.

Thus, I am for categorization for the purpose of effective messaging.

Nathan Aw

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Paulo Silva

OWASP API Security Project - Project Main Maintainer
OWASP Go Secure Coding Practices Guide - Project Co-Leader

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D. Keith Casey, Jr.

Check out my book "A Practical Approach to API Design"
and the API Developer Newsletter: http://bit.ly/apiWeekly

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