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Long term support for infeed/outfeed

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José Valim

Sep 28, 2024, 3:35:14 AM9/28/24
to OpenXLA Discuss
Hi folks,

Thank you so much for the continuous work on XLA. Without it, we would not be able to bring machine learning to Elixir. In particular, we integrate with Elixir using the PjRT APIs.

Lately, we have been exploring support for PjRT plugins and we have noticed that both IREE and the CUDA plugins for PjRT do not support infeeds/outfeeds. My understanding is that JAX, for example, also moved away from the indeed/outfeed API.

Therefore, before investing further into infeed/outfeed, is it still in the long term plan to support those operations? Should we encourage plugin authors to fill in the missing gaps?

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