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Bhavesh Anand

Aug 16, 2018, 8:08:12 AM8/16/18
to Python Coaches
Hi everyone,

I am recent graduate in Computer Science and currently a backend developer under Google Summer of Code program.
I am doing software / web development from about 4 years particularly in Python.
So can anyone please provide some social links like WhatsApp and Telegram groups of python.

Thanks and Regards,

Bhavesh Anand

Cassius Lawson

Aug 16, 2018, 9:16:07 AM8/16/18
Hello Bhavesh,

I can give you a link to WhatsApp but you will have to be added to my contacts.

As for the Telegram groups of python, maybe you can look at Tech Meetup in Berlin:

here’s to success for all technologist, and all that we do.

Kind regards,
Cassius Lawson 

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Bhavesh Anand

Aug 16, 2018, 9:40:49 AM8/16/18
Hi Cassius,

Thanks for sending that.
I have sent you my contact number in p m. I hope now you can add me.

With Warm Regards,

Bhavesh Anand

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vanshika gupta

Aug 20, 2018, 3:44:24 AM8/20/18
to Python Coaches
Hey Bhavesh,
I live in Berlin and looking for a job for a long time as front-end developer. I have no prior experience. Will you able to tell me  more about the Google summer code program. I have done  Masters  in computers from India.

On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 2:08:12 PM UTC+2, Bhavesh Anand wrote:
Hi everyone,

I am a recent graduate in Computer Science and currently a backend developer under Google Summer of Code program.
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