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Flossie 2013 Conf. in London

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Oct 19, 2013, 10:52:49 AM10/19/13

Hi everybody!
On 8th and 9th of November there will be Flossie Conf in London - A Conf. about woman a software libre

And we, as OTS, will be there!
We will run 2 workhsop - Python (90min) and Html/css (60min).Each workshop will be up to 10/15 learners so not so big but is an important chance for us to make London knows about OTS

I'm asking your help because we are currently looking for a coaches! (better if they could coach in both workshop, but not necessary) in London and someone that come also from Berlin. (Flossie can cover the flight if we find a cheap one! :) )
If you want, have a contact or know someone willing to coach there, please write here or in the discourse ( or also directly to me.
The material is already ready, needs maybe just some adjustment (that i couldn't help with since i'm not a python dev!).

Looking forward to hear from you!


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