Hi Stratum folks,
I'm experimenting with WCMP(Weighted Cost Multi-Path) on BMv2 and coming across an error but I can't seem to figure out whether it's an ONOS/BMv2 issue. Below are the details:
1. In the p4 pipeline, I've have replaced ecmp_selector with wcmp_selector and this built just fine(See URL in REF for code snippet below section #P4 BMv2 routing table).
2. However, in ONOS(i.e. in DefaultGroupBucket.java->createSelectGroupBucket()) when I set the weight to 2, I get a "Duplicate Key" error (See URL in REF section # ONOS ERROR)
3. From the ONOS CLI, it appears that the weight for groups are set to 2, but the rules are all in the "PENDING_ADD_RETRY" state.
Can you kindly provide feedback?