Hi Stratum Dev folks,
I'm experimenting with WCMP on BMv2 virtual VMs and I've updated the P4 pipeline and ONOS code such that ecmp_selector is replaced with wcmp_selector. In any case, I observed the following behavior:
1. I've got two paths from switch1 to switch2 as shown in the URL below and I'm sending a single UDP stream of traffic from host1 to host2(I used pastebin to ensure the topology is formatted correctly):
2. At switch1, initially weights for both path1 and path2 are 1. I start the UDP stream and traffic is diverted to path1.
3. While traffic continues on the single stream, at switch1 I set the weight for path2 to 2 and the weight for path1 is 1. Traffic is diverted to path2. While the single stream continues, I then set the weight for path1 to 2 and set the weight for path2 to 1, and traffic now is diverted to path1.
I expected that once a single flow takes a particular path initially, all subsequent packets of this flow would take this same path regardless of whether the weights change/not. Subsequent flows would be subjected to the updated values for weights. So if I started a second stream, I would expect it would have a higher probability of using the path with the higher weight. Can you kindly provide feedback?