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Stratum 22.06 Release and Upcoming Techinar

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O'Connor, Brian

Jul 12, 2022, 9:05:07 AM7/12/22
to,, Denise Barton

Dear Stratum Community,


The Stratum community is pleased to announce the release of Stratum 2022-06-30 (or 22.06 for short).


Stratum 22.06 Overview

The Stratum 2022-06-30 release contains several new features and bug fixes, including:


Upcoming Techinar

Next Tuesday, we will have a Stratum “techinar” to discuss:
- Enhancements from the past year, including Stratum_BfRt
- Exploring a “switch stack” for the server (IPU/DPU)
- Roadmap
- Q & A


Register for the techinar next Tuesday, July 19th at 9am PDT


Note: Previously, this techinar was scheduled for today at 9am PDT, but it has been moved to next week.


On behalf of the Stratum TST,


Brian O’Connor (Lead, Intel)

Alireza Ghaffarkhah (Google)

Craig Stevens (Dell/EMC)

Max Pudelko (Intel)

Yi Tseng (Intel)

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