[stratum-dev] Stratum on Cassini Edgecore AS7716-24SC

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Andy Nazario Quispe

Sep 21, 2021, 8:34:36 AM9/21/21
to strat...@lists.stratumproject.org

Good day team.,

I am trying to install stratum on a Edgecore AS7716-24SC Cassini, i've installed ONLv2 

root@localhost:/stratum/stratum/hal/bin/bcm/standalone/docker# uname -a
Linux localhost 4.14.49-OpenNetworkLinux #1 SMP Fri Jul 16 22:03:27 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@localhost:/stratum/stratum/hal/bin/bcm/standalone/docker# cat /etc/onl/SWI

from the (https://github.com/stratum/stratum) it supports using SDKLT and OpenNSA

  • Edgecore AS7716-24SC Cassini

root@localhost:/stratum/stratum/hal/bin/bcm/standalone/docker# cat /etc/onl/platform

But when running Stratum using docker it appears that only support openNSA but still having problems, i attach below some logs:

/////////////////////    LOG    //////////////////////////////////

root@localhost:/stratum/stratum/hal/bin/bcm/standalone/docker# DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=20.12-sdklt ./start-stratum-container.sh
++ awk '{print "-v " $1 ":" $1 " " }'
++ ls /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so.1 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so.1 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so.1
+ ONLP_MOUNT='-v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so
-v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so.1:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so.1
-v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so
-v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so.1:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so.1
-v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so
-v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so.1:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so.1 '
+ LOG_DIR=/var/log/stratum
++ uname -r
+ KERNEL_VERSION=4.14.49-OpenNetworkLinux
+ DOCKER_IMAGE=stratumproject/stratum-bcm
+ DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=20.12-sdklt
++ cat /etc/onl/platform
+ PLATFORM=x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0
+ '[' -n '' ']'
++ uname -r
++ uname -r
+ docker run -it --rm --privileged --cap-add ALL --shm-size=512m --network host -v /dev:/dev -v /sys:/sys -v /run:/run -v /lib/modules/4.14.49-OpenNetworkLinux:/lib/modules/4.14.49-OpenNetworkLinux -v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so -v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so.1:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so.1 -v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so -v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so.1:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so.1 -v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so -v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so.1:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so.1 -v /lib/platform-config:/lib/platform-config -v /etc/onl:/etc/onl -v /var/log/stratum:/var/log/stratum stratumproject/stratum-bcm:20.12-sdklt
+ rmmod linux_bcm_knet
+ rmmod linux_user_bde
+ rmmod linux_kernel_bde
+ rmmod linux_ngknet
rmmod: ERROR: Module linux_ngknet is not currently loaded
+ true
+ rmmod linux_ngbde
rmmod: ERROR: Module linux_ngbde is not currently loaded
+ true
+ pushd /usr/lib/stratum/
/usr/lib/stratum /
+ insmod linux_ngbde.ko
+ insmod linux_ngknet.ko default_mtu=3000
+ popd
+ sleep 1
+ mkdir -p /var/run/stratum /var/log/stratum
++ cat /etc/onl/platform
+ PLATFORM=x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0
+ exec stratum_bcm_sdklt -base_bcm_chassis_map_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/base_bcm_chassis_map.pb.txt -chassis_config_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/chassis_config.pb.txt -bcm_sdk_config_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/SDKLT.yml -phal_config_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/phal_config.pb.txt -bcm_sdk_checkpoint_dir=/tmp/bcm_chkpt -log_dir=/var/log/stratum -v=0
I20210921 10:56:45.051519     1 main.cc:75] Starting Stratum in STANDALONE mode for a Broadcom-based switch...
W20210921 10:56:45.051666     1 credentials_manager.cc:45] Using insecure server credentials
I20210921 10:56:45.051842     1 hal.cc:122] HAL sanity checks all passed.
I20210921 10:56:45.051857     1 hal.cc:128] Setting up HAL in COLDBOOT mode...
I20210921 10:56:45.051929     1 config_monitoring_service.cc:94] Pushing the saved chassis config read from /etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/chassis_config.pb.txt...
I20210921 10:56:45.055892     1 bcm_switch.cc:548] Chassis config verified successfully.
I20210921 10:56:45.056475     1 onlp_wrapper.cc:99] Initializing ONLP.
I20210921 10:56:47.094169     1 attribute_database.cc:213] PhalDB service is listening to localhost:28003...
I20210921 10:56:47.100003     1 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1080] Portmap:
Panel, logical (PORT_ID), physical (PC_PHYS_PORT_ID)
  1,  68,  65
  2,  72,  69
  3,  76,  73
  4,  80,  77
  5,  96,  93
  6, 106, 101
  7, 110, 105
  8, 114, 109
  9, 118, 113
 10, 122, 117
 11, 126, 121
 12, 130, 125
 13,  84,  81
 14,  88,  85
 15,  92,  89
 16, 102,  97
 17,  38,  37
 18,  34,  33
 19,  46,  45
 20,  42,  41
 21,  54,  53
 22,  50,  49
 23,  62,  61
 24,  58,  57
 25,   5,   5
 26,   1,   1
 27,  13,  13
 28,   9,   9
 29,  21,  21
 30,  17,  17
 31,  25,  25
 32,  29,  29
[<nounit>] bcma/sys/probe/ngbde/bcma_sys_probe.c:721 bcma_sys_probe(): Warn: No devices found.
E20210921 10:56:47.106837     1 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:985] StratumErrorSpace::ERR_INTERNAL: Could not find any supported device.
E20210921 10:56:47.107417     1 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1093] Return Error: bcm_sdk_interface_->InitializeSdk( FLAGS_bcm_sdk_config_file, FLAGS_bcm_sdk_config_flush_file, FLAGS_bcm_sdk_shell_log_file) failed with StratumErrorSpace::ERR_INTERNAL: Could not find any supported device.
E20210921 10:56:47.107460     1 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:163] Return Error: InitializeBcmChips(base_bcm_chassis_map, target_bcm_chassis_map) failed with StratumErrorSpace::ERR_INTERNAL: Could not find any supported device.
E20210921 10:56:47.107530     1 bcm_switch.cc:52] Return Error: bcm_chassis_manager_->PushChassisConfig(config) failed with StratumErrorSpace::ERR_INTERNAL: Could not find any supported device.
E20210921 10:56:47.107575     1 error_buffer.cc:30] (config_monitoring_service.cc:124): Pushing saved chassis config failed: Could not find any supported device.
E20210921 10:56:47.107643     1 hal.cc:136] Return Error: config_monitoring_service_->Setup(FLAGS_warmboot) failed with StratumErrorSpace::ERR_INTERNAL: Could not find any supported device.
E20210921 10:56:47.107697     1 main.cc:115] Error when setting up Stratum HAL (but we will continue running): Could not find any supported device.
E20210921 10:56:47.108387     1 hal.cc:221] Stratum external facing services are listening to,,, localhost:28000...
E20210921 10:56:47.121865     1 hal.cc:363] StratumErrorSpace::ERR_INTERNAL: Failed to check in with procmon: failed to connect to all addresses
E20210921 10:56:47.122002     1 hal.cc:231] Error when checking in with procmon: Failed to check in with procmon: failed to connect to all addresses.


root@localhost:/stratum/stratum/hal/bin/bcm/standalone/docker# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                COMMAND              CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
749ea4456822        stratumproject/stratum-bcm:opennsa   "start-stratum.sh"   45 seconds ago      Up 44 seconds                           wizardly_mclean

root@localhost:/stratum/stratum/hal/bin/bcm/standalone/docker# DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=opennsa ./start-stratum-container.sh
++ awk '{print "-v " $1 ":" $1 " " }'
++ ls /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so.1 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so.1 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so.1
+ ONLP_MOUNT='-v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so
-v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so.1:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so.1
-v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so
-v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so.1:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so.1
-v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so
-v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so.1:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so.1 '
+ LOG_DIR=/var/log/stratum
++ uname -r
+ KERNEL_VERSION=4.14.49-OpenNetworkLinux
+ DOCKER_IMAGE=stratumproject/stratum-bcm
++ cat /etc/onl/platform
+ PLATFORM=x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0
+ '[' -n '' ']'
++ uname -r
++ uname -r
+ docker run -it --rm --privileged --cap-add ALL --shm-size=512m --network host -v /dev:/dev -v /sys:/sys -v /run:/run -v /lib/modules/4.14.49-OpenNetworkLinux:/lib/modules/4.14.49-OpenNetworkLinux -v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so -v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so.1:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform-defaults.so.1 -v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so -v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so.1:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp-platform.so.1 -v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so -v /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so.1:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonlp.so.1 -v /lib/platform-config:/lib/platform-config -v /etc/onl:/etc/onl -v /var/log/stratum:/var/log/stratum stratumproject/stratum-bcm:opennsa
+ rmmod linux_ngknet
rmmod: ERROR: Module linux_ngknet is not currently loaded
+ true
+ rmmod linux_ngbde
rmmod: ERROR: Module linux_ngbde is not currently loaded
+ true
+ rmmod linux_bcm_knet
+ rmmod linux_user_bde
+ rmmod linux_kernel_bde
+ pushd /usr/lib/stratum/
/usr/lib/stratum /
+ insmod linux-kernel-bde.ko
+ insmod linux-user-bde.ko
+ insmod linux-bcm-knet.ko default_mtu=3000
+ popd
+ mknod /dev/linux-bcm-knet c 122 0
mknod: /dev/linux-bcm-knet: File exists
+ true
+ mknod /dev/linux-bcm-net c 123 0
mknod: /dev/linux-bcm-net: File exists
+ true
+ mknod /dev/linux-bcm-diag c 124 0
mknod: /dev/linux-bcm-diag: File exists
+ true
+ ln -sf /dev/linux-bcm-diag /dev/linux-bcm-diag-full
+ mknod /dev/linux-uk-proxy c 125 0
mknod: /dev/linux-uk-proxy: File exists
+ true
+ mknod /dev/linux-bcm-core c 126 0
mknod: /dev/linux-bcm-core: File exists
+ true
+ mknod /dev/linux-kernel-bde c 127 0
mknod: /dev/linux-kernel-bde: File exists
+ true
+ ln -sf /dev/linux-bcm-core /dev/linux-user-bde
+ sleep 1
+ mkdir -p /var/run/stratum /var/log/stratum
++ cat /etc/onl/platform
+ PLATFORM=x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0
+ exec stratum_bcm_opennsa -base_bcm_chassis_map_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/base_bcm_chassis_map.pb.txt -chassis_config_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/chassis_config.pb.txt -bcm_sdk_config_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/SDKLT.yml -phal_config_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/phal_config.pb.txt -bcm_sdk_checkpoint_dir=/tmp/bcm_chkpt -log_dir=/var/log/stratum -v=0
I20210921 10:51:41.514292     1 logging.cc:63] Stratum version 0 built at 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 on host redacted by user redacted.
I20210921 10:51:41.514493     1 main.cc:75] Starting Stratum in STANDALONE mode for a Broadcom-based switch...
W20210921 10:51:41.514609     1 credentials_manager.cc:44] Using insecure server credentials
I20210921 10:51:41.515112     1 hal.cc:132] HAL sanity checks all passed.
I20210921 10:51:41.515130     1 hal.cc:138] Setting up HAL in COLDBOOT mode...
I20210921 10:51:41.515214     1 config_monitoring_service.cc:94] Pushing the saved chassis config read from /etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/chassis_config.pb.txt...
I20210921 10:51:41.529116     1 bcm_switch.cc:550] Chassis config verified successfully.
I20210921 10:51:41.531240     1 onlp_wrapper.cc:99] Initializing ONLP.
I20210921 10:51:43.126675     1 attribute_database.cc:210] PhalDB service is listening to localhost:28003...
I20210921 10:51:43.144853     1 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1080] Portmap:
Panel, logical (PORT_ID), physical (PC_PHYS_PORT_ID)
  1,  68,  65
  2,  72,  69
  3,  76,  73
  4,  80,  77
  5,  96,  93
  6, 106, 101
  7, 110, 105
  8, 114, 109
  9, 118, 113
 10, 122, 117
 11, 126, 121
 12, 130, 125
 13,  84,  81
 14,  88,  85
 15,  92,  89
 16, 102,  97
 17,  38,  37
 18,  34,  33
 19,  46,  45
 20,  42,  41
 21,  54,  53
 22,  50,  49
 23,  62,  61
 24,  58,  57
 25,   5,   5
 26,   1,   1
 27,  13,  13
 28,   9,   9
 29,  21,  21
 30,  17,  17
 31,  25,  25
 32,  29,  29
DMA pool size: 16777216
Broadcom Command Monitor: Copyright (c) 1998-2020 Broadcom
Release: opennsa-6.5.19 built 20200910 (Thu Sep 10 18:16:19 2020)
From root@lc-sj1-5908:/projects/ntsw_sw18_scratch/sdkrel/openbcm/sdk
Platform: X86
OS: Unix (Posix)
E20210921 10:51:43.176681     1 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:1152] StratumErrorSpace::ERR_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE: 'soc_cm_device_supported(dev->device, dev->rev)' failed with error message: Feature unavailable.
E20210921 10:51:43.177083     1 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1100] Return Error: bcm_sdk_interface_->FindUnit(bcm_chip.unit(), bcm_chip.pci_bus(), bcm_chip.pci_slot(), bcm_chip.type()) failed with StratumErrorSpace::ERR_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE: 'soc_cm_device_supported(dev->device, dev->rev)' failed with error message: Feature unavailable.
E20210921 10:51:43.177101     1 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:163] Return Error: InitializeBcmChips(base_bcm_chassis_map, target_bcm_chassis_map) failed with StratumErrorSpace::ERR_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE: 'soc_cm_device_supported(dev->device, dev->rev)' failed with error message: Feature unavailable.
E20210921 10:51:43.177136     1 bcm_switch.cc:52] Return Error: bcm_chassis_manager_->PushChassisConfig(config) failed with StratumErrorSpace::ERR_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE: 'soc_cm_device_supported(dev->device, dev->rev)' failed with error message: Feature unavailable.
E20210921 10:51:43.177158     1 error_buffer.cc:30] (config_monitoring_service.cc:124): Pushing saved chassis config failed: 'soc_cm_device_supported(dev->device, dev->rev)' failed with error message: Feature unavailable.
E20210921 10:51:43.177199     1 hal.cc:146] Return Error: config_monitoring_service_->Setup(FLAGS_warmboot) failed with StratumErrorSpace::ERR_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE: 'soc_cm_device_supported(dev->device, dev->rev)' failed with error message: Feature unavailable.
E20210921 10:51:43.177212     1 main.cc:115] Error when setting up Stratum HAL (but we will continue running): 'soc_cm_device_supported(dev->device, dev->rev)' failed with error message: Feature unavailable.
E20210921 10:51:43.177973     1 hal.cc:231] Stratum external facing services are listening to,, localhost:9559...
E20210921 10:51:43.192323     1 hal.cc:386] StratumErrorSpace::ERR_INTERNAL: Failed to check in with procmon: failed to connect to all addresses
E20210921 10:51:43.192685     1 hal.cc:241] Error when checking in with procmon: Failed to check in with procmon: failed to connect to all addresses.


root@localhost:/stratum/stratum/hal/bin/bcm/standalone/docker# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                      COMMAND              CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
33acae8744da        stratumproject/stratum-bcm:21.06-opennsa   "start-stratum.sh"   8 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes                            nifty_keller

root@localhost:/stratum/stratum/hal/bin/bcm/standalone/docker# docker logs 33acae8744da
+ rmmod linux_ngknet
rmmod: ERROR: Module linux_ngknet is not currently loaded
+ true
+ rmmod linux_ngbde
rmmod: ERROR: Module linux_ngbde is not currently loaded
+ true
+ rmmod linux_bcm_knet
+ rmmod linux_user_bde
+ rmmod linux_kernel_bde
+ pushd /usr/lib/stratum/
/usr/lib/stratum /
+ insmod linux-kernel-bde.ko
+ insmod linux-user-bde.ko
+ insmod linux-bcm-knet.ko default_mtu=3000
+ popd
+ mknod /dev/linux-bcm-knet c 122 0
mknod: /dev/linux-bcm-knet: File exists
+ true
+ mknod /dev/linux-bcm-net c 123 0
mknod: /dev/linux-bcm-net: File exists
+ true
+ mknod /dev/linux-bcm-diag c 124 0
mknod: /dev/linux-bcm-diag: File exists
+ true
+ ln -sf /dev/linux-bcm-diag /dev/linux-bcm-diag-full
+ mknod /dev/linux-uk-proxy c 125 0
mknod: /dev/linux-uk-proxy: File exists
+ true
+ mknod /dev/linux-bcm-core c 126 0
mknod: /dev/linux-bcm-core: File exists
+ true
+ mknod /dev/linux-kernel-bde c 127 0
mknod: /dev/linux-kernel-bde: File exists
+ true
+ ln -sf /dev/linux-bcm-core /dev/linux-user-bde
+ sleep 1
+ mkdir -p /var/run/stratum /var/log/stratum
++ cat /etc/onl/platform
+ PLATFORM=x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0
+ exec stratum_bcm_opennsa -base_bcm_chassis_map_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/base_bcm_chassis_map.pb.txt -chassis_config_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/chassis_config.pb.txt -bcm_sdk_config_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/SDKLT.yml -phal_config_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/phal_config.pb.txt -bcm_sdk_checkpoint_dir=/tmp/bcm_chkpt -log_dir=/var/log/stratum -v=0
I20210921 10:38:53.986915     1 main.cc:75] Starting Stratum in STANDALONE mode for a Broadcom-based switch...
W20210921 10:38:53.987057     1 credentials_manager.cc:45] Using insecure server credentials
I20210921 10:38:53.987232     1 hal.cc:122] HAL sanity checks all passed.
I20210921 10:38:53.987246     1 hal.cc:128] Setting up HAL in COLDBOOT mode...
I20210921 10:38:53.987311     1 config_monitoring_service.cc:94] Pushing the saved chassis config read from /etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/chassis_config.pb.txt...
I20210921 10:38:53.991032     1 bcm_switch.cc:548] Chassis config verified successfully.
I20210921 10:38:53.991549     1 onlp_wrapper.cc:99] Initializing ONLP.
I20210921 10:38:56.135704     1 attribute_database.cc:213] PhalDB service is listening to localhost:28003...
I20210921 10:38:56.141291     1 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1080] Portmap:
Panel, logical (PORT_ID), physical (PC_PHYS_PORT_ID)
  1,  68,  65
  2,  72,  69
  3,  76,  73
  4,  80,  77
  5,  96,  93
  6, 106, 101
  7, 110, 105
  8, 114, 109
  9, 118, 113
 10, 122, 117
 11, 126, 121
 12, 130, 125
 13,  84,  81
 14,  88,  85
 15,  92,  89
 16, 102,  97
 17,  38,  37
 18,  34,  33
 19,  46,  45
 20,  42,  41
 21,  54,  53
 22,  50,  49
 23,  62,  61
 24,  58,  57
 25,   5,   5
 26,   1,   1
 27,  13,  13
 28,   9,   9
 29,  21,  21
 30,  17,  17
 31,  25,  25
 32,  29,  29
DMA pool size: 16777216
Broadcom Command Monitor: Copyright (c) 1998-2020 Broadcom
Release: opennsa-6.5.19 built 20200910 (Thu Sep 10 18:16:19 2020)
From root@lc-sj1-5908:/projects/ntsw_sw18_scratch/sdkrel/openbcm/sdk
Platform: X86
OS: Unix (Posix)
E20210921 10:38:56.175861     1 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:1151] StratumErrorSpace::ERR_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE: 'soc_cm_device_supported(dev->device, dev->rev)' failed with error message: Feature unavailable.
E20210921 10:38:56.176177     1 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1100] Return Error: bcm_sdk_interface_->FindUnit(bcm_chip.unit(), bcm_chip.pci_bus(), bcm_chip.pci_slot(), bcm_chip.type()) failed with StratumErrorSpace::ERR_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE: 'soc_cm_device_supported(dev->device, dev->rev)' failed with error message: Feature unavailable.
E20210921 10:38:56.176189     1 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:163] Return Error: InitializeBcmChips(base_bcm_chassis_map, target_bcm_chassis_map) failed with StratumErrorSpace::ERR_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE: 'soc_cm_device_supported(dev->device, dev->rev)' failed with error message: Feature unavailable.
E20210921 10:38:56.176213     1 bcm_switch.cc:52] Return Error: bcm_chassis_manager_->PushChassisConfig(config) failed with StratumErrorSpace::ERR_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE: 'soc_cm_device_supported(dev->device, dev->rev)' failed with error message: Feature unavailable.
E20210921 10:38:56.176230     1 error_buffer.cc:30] (config_monitoring_service.cc:124): Pushing saved chassis config failed: 'soc_cm_device_supported(dev->device, dev->rev)' failed with error message: Feature unavailable.
E20210921 10:38:56.176254     1 hal.cc:136] Return Error: config_monitoring_service_->Setup(FLAGS_warmboot) failed with StratumErrorSpace::ERR_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE: 'soc_cm_device_supported(dev->device, dev->rev)' failed with error message: Feature unavailable.
E20210921 10:38:56.176263     1 main.cc:115] Error when setting up Stratum HAL (but we will continue running): 'soc_cm_device_supported(dev->device, dev->rev)' failed with error message: Feature unavailable.
E20210921 10:38:56.176653     1 hal.cc:221] Stratum external facing services are listening to,,, localhost:28000...
E20210921 10:38:56.190089     1 hal.cc:363] StratumErrorSpace::ERR_INTERNAL: Failed to check in with procmon: failed to connect to all addresses
E20210921 10:38:56.190270     1 hal.cc:231] Error when checking in with procmon: Failed to check in with procmon: failed to connect to all addresses.


also all the modules are added in the kermel :

root@localhost:/stratum/stratum/hal/bin/bcm/standalone/docker# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
linux_ngknet          356352  0
linux_ngbde            36864  1 linux_ngknet

If you guys can help me why is it not running properly in any case it will be helpfull, from the logs i can tell that opoenNSA recgnizases the shipset at least but still having problems when running the code.

Thanks in advance guys.


Brian O'Connor

Sep 21, 2021, 12:00:12 PM9/21/21
to Andy Nazario Quispe, strat...@lists.stratumproject.org
Hi Andy,

Thanks for reaching out. Most of our testing was done on the first version of Cassini (AS7716-24XC) which has a Broadcom Tomahawk ASIC, so it works with both SDKLT and OpenNSA. However, I understand that all of the boxes shipping now are the -24SC, which has a Tomahawk+ ASIC. As I understand it, it's basically the same ASIC but with some minor differences (e.g. buffer size). Unfortunately, SDKLT and OpenNSA are not compiled with support for Tomahawk+. At least for OpenNSA, this is just a compiler flag when the binary is built by Broadcom that isn't enabled.

We have a few options:

1) If you have access to the Broadcom SDK 6.5.x, you can compile the SDK with support for Tomahawk+ and use that instead of OpenNSA when you build Stratum. We have some instructions that could help you with this part if you need them. This is a good option if you plan to make modifications to Stratum or the SDE, and you already have an SDK agreement with Broadcom.

2) We have worked with Edgecore to create a Stratum container that supports Cassini for Stratum release. It can be downloaded from the Edgecore customer portal. This is probably the easiest approach to get started, but will make it somewhat difficult to build new versions of Stratum yourself (if you want to do that).

3) OpenBCM (https://github.com/Broadcom-Network-Switching-Software/OpenBCM) seems to contain the SDK sources (not just binary libraries), and we may be able to compile it with Tomahawk+ support. We haven't tried this yet, but it appears to share the same API as OpenNSA. This option would be good for making modifications to Stratum and the SDE, and it would not require an SDK agreement. It could be an interesting project if you want to try to tackle it.

Either way, could you create an issue in the Stratum Github with the error? At a minimum, we should probably update the documentation to reflect this, and please feel free to submit a PR to that effect. :)

Regarding the procmon log entries, these can be ignored. We already have an issue open to suppress these: https://github.com/stratum/stratum/issues/492
Procmon is a custom service that lets the Stratum process report its status and health; we don't run the service by default, so Stratum cannot connect to check in.


stratum-dev mailing list

Andy Nazario Quispe

Sep 23, 2021, 6:23:55 AM9/23/21
to Brian O'Connor, strat...@lists.stratumproject.org

Thank you for your help Brian, we are going to analyze what is the best way to make it work.

i will try to submit a PR as you suggested.


Andy Nazario Quispe

Nov 9, 2021, 4:34:00 AM11/9/21
to Brian O'Connor, strat...@lists.stratumproject.org

Helo team,

Ive just installed stratum from the edgecore customer page as suggested, i just want to know if the log that im having is expected, because i have a transceiver connected o the switch but is not comming up. Since i am able to interact with the stratum command line maybe its necessary to activate it somehow.

also i can see some stratum services

stratum_b 30547        root    7u  IPv6 547185      0t0  TCP localhost:28003 (LISTEN)
stratum_b 30547        root   18u  IPv6 560340      0t0  TCP localhost:28000 (LISTEN)
stratum_b 30547        root   19u  IPv6 560341      0t0  TCP *:28000 (LISTEN)
stratum_b 30547        root   20u  IPv6 560342      0t0  TCP *:9339 (LISTEN)
stratum_b 30547        root   21u  IPv6 560343      0t0  TCP *:9559 (LISTEN)

start-stratum.sh  stratum_bcm_sdk6



root@localhost:/usr/bin# ./start-stratum.sh

+ rmmod linux_ngknet

rmmod: ERROR: Module linux_ngknet is not currently loaded

+ true

+ rmmod linux_ngbde

rmmod: ERROR: Module linux_ngbde is not currently loaded

+ true

+ rmmod linux_bcm_knet

rmmod: ERROR: Module linux_bcm_knet is not currently loaded

+ true

+ rmmod linux_user_bde

rmmod: ERROR: Module linux_user_bde is not currently loaded

+ true

+ rmmod linux_kernel_bde

rmmod: ERROR: Module linux_kernel_bde is not currently loaded

+ true

+ pushd /usr/lib/stratum/

/usr/lib/stratum /usr/bin

+ insmod linux-kernel-bde.ko

+ insmod linux-user-bde.ko

+ insmod linux-bcm-knet.ko default_mtu=3000

+ popd


+ mknod /dev/linux-bcm-knet c 122 0

+ mknod /dev/linux-bcm-net c 123 0

+ mknod /dev/linux-bcm-diag c 124 0

+ ln -sf /dev/linux-bcm-diag /dev/linux-bcm-diag-full

+ mknod /dev/linux-uk-proxy c 125 0

+ mknod /dev/linux-bcm-core c 126 0

+ mknod /dev/linux-kernel-bde c 127 0

+ ln -sf /dev/linux-bcm-core /dev/linux-user-bde

+ sleep 1

+ mkdir -p /var/run/stratum /var/log/stratum

++ cat /etc/onl/platform

+ PLATFORM=x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0

+ exec stratum_bcm_sdk6 -base_bcm_chassis_map_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/base_bcm_chassis_map.pb.txt -chassis_config_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/chassis_config.pb.txt -bcm_sdk_config_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/config.bcm -phal_config_file=/etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/phal_config.pb.txt -bcm_sdk_checkpoint_dir=/tmp/bcm_chkpt -log_dir=/var/log/stratum -v=0

I20211108 10:04:59.012786 12329 main.cc:75] Starting Stratum in STANDALONE mode for a Broadcom-based switch...

W20211108 10:04:59.012897 12329 credentials_manager.cc:45] Using insecure server credentials

I20211108 10:04:59.013089 12329 hal.cc:122] HAL sanity checks all passed.

I20211108 10:04:59.013103 12329 hal.cc:128] Setting up HAL in COLDBOOT mode...

I20211108 10:04:59.013156 12329 config_monitoring_service.cc:94] Pushing the saved chassis config read from /etc/stratum/x86-64-accton-as7716-24sc-r0/chassis_config.pb.txt...

I20211108 10:04:59.018501 12329 bcm_switch.cc:548] Chassis config verified successfully.

I20211108 10:04:59.019773 12329 onlp_wrapper.cc:99] Initializing ONLP.

I20211108 10:05:00.619822 12329 attribute_database.cc:213] PhalDB service is listening to localhost:28003...

I20211108 10:05:00.625010 12329 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1082] Portmap:

Broadcom Command Monitor: Copyright (c) 1998-2020 Broadcom

Release: sdk-6.5.17 built 20200212 (Wed Feb 12 11:25:25 2020)

From onlbuilder@buildsrv:/home/onlbuilder/bcm6/sdk-all-6.5.17

Platform: X86

OS: Unix (Posix)

DMA pool size: 33554432

Broadcom Command Monitor: Copyright (c) 1998-2020 Broadcom

Release: sdk-6.5.17 built 20200212 (Wed Feb 12 11:25:25 2020)

From onlbuilder@buildsrv:/home/onlbuilder/bcm6/sdk-all-6.5.17

Platform: X86

OS: Unix (Posix)

I20211108 10:05:00.713551 12329 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:1152] Unit 0 is assigned to SOC device BCM56965_A1 found on PCI bus 1, PCI slot 0.

SOC unit 0 attached to PCI device BCM56965_A1

0:bcmi_xgs5_bfd_init: uKernel BFD application not available

0:bcmi_xgs5_bfd_init: uKernel BFD application not available

I20211108 10:05:02.680828 12329 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:1249] Unit 0 initialized successfully (warm_boot: NO).

BCM.0> I20211108 10:05:02.795511 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 1 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.796408 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 5 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.797266 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 9 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.798141 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 13 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.799026 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 17 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.799875 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 21 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.800729 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 25 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.801584 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 29 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.802441 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 34 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.803309 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 38 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.804167 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 42 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.805011 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 46 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.805864 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 50 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.806718 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 54 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.807564 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 58 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.808248 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 62 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.808933 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 68 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.809625 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 72 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.810310 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 76 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.810999 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 80 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.811687 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 84 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.812368 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 88 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.813050 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 92 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.813736 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 96 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.814421 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 102 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.815111 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 106 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.815794 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 110 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.816483 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 114 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.817173 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 118 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.817863 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 122 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.818547 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 126 Link: changed.

I20211108 10:05:02.819236 12404 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:446] Unit: 0 Port: 130 Link: changed.

W20211108 10:05:02.859207 12329 bcm_sdk_wrapper.cc:2750] Currently not explicitly enabling/disabling ACL stages for packets ingressing on internal and external ports.

I20211108 10:05:02.859934 12329 bcm_acl_manager.cc:370] ACL manager successfully configured ACLs for node with ID 1 mapped to unit 0.

I20211108 10:05:02.861675 12329 bcm_packetio_manager.cc:751] KNET interface knet-0-0 created for node with ID 1 (unit: 0, purpose: BCM_KNET_INTF_PURPOSE_CONTROLLER, vlan: 1, cpu_queue: 0, netif_id: 1, netif_index: 14, rx_thread_id: 140360019224320).

I20211108 10:05:02.861709 12329 bcm_switch.cc:64] Chassis config pushed successfully.

I20211108 10:05:02.861920 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 1, slot: 1, port: 26, unit: 0, logical_port: 1, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862005 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 5, slot: 1, port: 25, unit: 0, logical_port: 5, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862049 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 9, slot: 1, port: 28, unit: 0, logical_port: 9, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862088 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 13, slot: 1, port: 27, unit: 0, logical_port: 13, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862128 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 17, slot: 1, port: 30, unit: 0, logical_port: 17, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862165 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 21, slot: 1, port: 29, unit: 0, logical_port: 21, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862205 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 25, slot: 1, port: 31, unit: 0, logical_port: 25, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862243 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 29, slot: 1, port: 32, unit: 0, logical_port: 29, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862280 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 34, slot: 1, port: 18, unit: 0, logical_port: 34, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862318 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 38, slot: 1, port: 17, unit: 0, logical_port: 38, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862354 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 42, slot: 1, port: 20, unit: 0, logical_port: 42, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862390 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 46, slot: 1, port: 19, unit: 0, logical_port: 46, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862427 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 50, slot: 1, port: 22, unit: 0, logical_port: 50, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862464 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 54, slot: 1, port: 21, unit: 0, logical_port: 54, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862504 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 58, slot: 1, port: 24, unit: 0, logical_port: 58, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862542 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 62, slot: 1, port: 23, unit: 0, logical_port: 62, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862581 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 68, slot: 1, port: 1, unit: 0, logical_port: 68, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862619 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 72, slot: 1, port: 2, unit: 0, logical_port: 72, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862655 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 76, slot: 1, port: 3, unit: 0, logical_port: 76, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862692 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 80, slot: 1, port: 4, unit: 0, logical_port: 80, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862731 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 84, slot: 1, port: 13, unit: 0, logical_port: 84, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862771 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 88, slot: 1, port: 14, unit: 0, logical_port: 88, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862808 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 92, slot: 1, port: 15, unit: 0, logical_port: 92, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862845 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 96, slot: 1, port: 5, unit: 0, logical_port: 96, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862916 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 102, slot: 1, port: 16, unit: 0, logical_port: 102, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862951 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 106, slot: 1, port: 6, unit: 0, logical_port: 106, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.862975 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 110, slot: 1, port: 7, unit: 0, logical_port: 110, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.863004 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 114, slot: 1, port: 8, unit: 0, logical_port: 114, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.863029 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 118, slot: 1, port: 9, unit: 0, logical_port: 118, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.863051 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 122, slot: 1, port: 10, unit: 0, logical_port: 122, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.863075 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 126, slot: 1, port: 11, unit: 0, logical_port: 126, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.863098 12403 bcm_chassis_manager.cc:1865] State of SingletonPort (node_id: 1, port_id: 130, slot: 1, port: 12, unit: 0, logical_port: 130, speed: 100G): DOWN

I20211108 10:05:02.876415 12329 p4_service.cc:121] Pushing the saved forwarding pipeline configs read from /var/run/stratum/pipeline_cfg.pb.txt...

E20211108 10:05:02.876453 12329 utils.cc:110] StratumErrorSpace::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: /var/run/stratum/pipeline_cfg.pb.txt not found.

E20211108 10:05:02.876721 12329 utils.cc:66] Return Error: ReadFileToString(filename, &text) failed with StratumErrorSpace::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: /var/run/stratum/pipeline_cfg.pb.txt not found.

W20211108 10:05:02.876734 12329 p4_service.cc:130] No saved forwarding pipeline config found at /var/run/stratum/pipeline_cfg.pb.txt. This is normal when the switch is just installed and no master controller is connected yet.

E20211108 10:05:02.877027 12329 hal.cc:221] Stratum external facing services are listening to,,, localhost:28000...

E20211108 10:05:02.890136 12329 hal.cc:363] StratumErrorSpace::ERR_INTERNAL: Failed to check in with procmon: failed to connect to all addresses

E20211108 10:05:02.890266 12329 hal.cc:231] Error when checking in with procmon: Failed to check in with procmon: failed to connect to all addresses.

Thank you for your help.

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