Dropped Vertex Attribute But Disk Usage Is The Same

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Brett Renshaw

Mar 19, 2020, 4:41:52 PM3/19/20
to gsql-users
Hi all,

I was wondering if there is some scheduled procedure that happens to clean removed data from disk.
I made a change to a vertex type where I dropped an attribute. I have about 27 million vertices.
The before and after partition usage was the same using gadmin status -v however.
How do you clear those dropped attributes from disk?
I did a gadmin restart, but to no avail.

Brett Renshaw

Mar 30, 2020, 2:24:59 PM3/30/20
to gsql-users
Still looking for an answer, this is on an enterprise instance, not the dev docker container.
Any help/insight would be appreciated.
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